MHDT Orchid with WE 396A Unbalanced

Hi everyone.

I recently picked up a used MHDT Orchid from Canuck audiomart. But I am yet to listen to it as my Tannoy MG15 in under refurbishment and I don't have anything else to listen it on. Orchid came with 4 tubes:

1) GE JAN 5670W NOS

2) Some 5670 made in USSR

I got the next 2 tested and they were found to be unbalanced.

3) WE 396A

Triode a -93℅ at 100v
Triode b-84℅ at 100v 

4) Siemens Halske CCA 88 with adapter.

Triode a -93℅ at 100v
Triode b-84℅ at 100v 

What do these measurements mean. Can they be used in the Orchid? Will an unbalanced tube cause any problem in the dac. Looking for guidance .



I own the Orchid DAC and use it regularly.

The GE JAN 5670W tube is the standard tube that came with the DAC.

The WE 396A was an upgrade tube option that a few years ago cost about $75 but I noticed now this tube is selling for 2x to 3x times that. The WE 396A is highly praised. Give it a listen.

Don't understand you questions about the measurements or that they are unbalanced. You might want to post those questions on a tube forum.

The WE 396A tube turned out be defective, only one channel is working. Rest of the tubes are working fine.