Step Up Transformer

I’m thinking of inserting a SUT into my system, and at this point the SKY20 from Bobs Devices seems to have it. Does anyone have experience with this SUT? It will be connected to Cadenza Black and either a McIntosh C70 or a PS Audio Stellar.


I am using Hand Wound Cinemag 1254 Tranx' in my SUT.

At the time of purchase the leader of a Group Buy had made it known as a result of COVID and the manufacturer only running a very small production schedule, these 1254's are to be Hand Wound by the renowned Tranx designer at Cinemag.

A 1254 is quite similar to a Tranx selected by Bob's Devices.

My 1254 has superseded other owned SUT's, of which I retain one other model being the Hashimoto.

The 1254 makes itself known when used in my system, it is happy to get out of the chair and be seen, where as the Hashimoto is much more polite and remains seated. 

Never used or heard a ’Bob’s’

I love my Vintage McIntosh’s MM Phono sound, thus only needed to boost a low MC signal up to MM signal strength, to continue to use the mx110z’s tube phono.

AND, I wanted PASS, to simply send (Pass) a MM cartridge’s output out with zero involvement of the transformer.

Like many of us, you might end up with a small handful of cartridges, or, which cartridge is next after the current one wears out?

I chose some flexibility regarding both signal boost (x-factor)

and a few selectable impedances.

I found Fidelity Research, FRT-4. The impedance changes with the x-factor, not independently

this one looks nice and a good price

note: it has selectable inputs for 3 tonearms.

ENTRE ET-100 is somewhat similar (one less x-factor/impedance choice). Also 3 selectable tonearms.

Some SUTs have independent impedance and independent x-factor controls (rear switches, internal jumpers, etc).


Dear @fundsgon  : I can't understand why you ask for a SUT when the Stellar is a great active high gain phono stage and the Cadenza needs no SUT with the STEllar and if you insist for the SUT you will only degrading the Cadenza sensitive cartridge signal.


A SUT can't improve the quality level performance of your Stellar, ONLY can and will does degrades that cartridge signal.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
