Will Origin Live Conqueror tonearm fit my Rega RP10's skeletal plinth?

I'm considering replacing the RB-2000 tonearm on my Rega RP10 (circa 2014 - 2016) with an Origin Live (OL) model, probably the Conqueror MK4, and all indications are the hole diameter for the 3-point mount should be identical, but I am concerned that my RP10's skeletal plinth may be too small near the base of the tonearm for the OL's oval or triangular "plate" or "frame" that appears in photos above and around the mount base (where the Rega arm has its bias force adjuster.)  If anyone on Audiogon has the Conqueror tonearm, could you take measurements of that part and respond?  Additionally, if you have the Rega RP10 table and have replaced the RB-2000 with an Origin Live arm, could you provide your experiences?  I'd appreciate it!  Mounting should not be a problem if the base is small enough to fit the plinth. The weight differences between the Rega and OL arms are within a pound or so and I expect the plinth can handle that. 




"I've bought much better phonostage, amplifier, cables, cartridge...All while using the RP10 with its stock RB-2000 tonearm. I can't say whether there would be further improvement by using a "better" tonearm, but it would seem to be the logical next step.

Since you have that base covered, I would consider myself good until you're ready to commit to the next level-significant outlay for a completely new setup. 

"Better" phonostage in your case means something $3-5K and capable of exploiting a $3K+ cartridge.

I would consider myself set until I'm ready to open the wallet considerably wider for a completely new setup. Dump the RP10 for a Kuzma, Feikert or whatever.



I have a Parasound Halo JC 3+, so I think I'm good there.  A different table, perhaps like a different tonearm, may only be different and not better, but one never knows without trying something else. All good advice.  Again though, if someone has changed to a non-Rega tonearm on an RP10, I'd like to hear about that experience.


@lgo-jerry As said previously, taking a time out and furthering learning can't do any harm.

I will suggest in the meantime that a investigation into Platter Mats and a Support Structure for the TT are looked into as well.

Discovering the combinations that work in your environment can be revelatory, the mechanical interfaces that are the result, can really benefit the sonic being produced.  

Thanks, Pindac, I appreciate the advice. BTW, I’ve been using a Solid Steel Series 5 rack, the older square tube with round legs model for years, entirely filled with microbearings, and I have used several platter mats on the Rega’s Ceramic platter, settling on a Music Hall cork mat, although primarily because of the grip it has on LPs; I prefer not to use a record clamp unless it is actually necessary. I don't believe that I've heard any mat deliver better sound than the bare Rega platter, which seems to be quiet. I’m not a novice to HiFi by any means, but I recognize that there will always be more to learn and experience (especially on a budget), and a lot of knowledge can be gained by learning from the experiences of others, so I ask, and I appreciate the responses that I receive. I've never tried a new tonearm on this table and the table has been around for quite a while now. My thought is someone must have already tried this.   

Dear @lgo-jerry  : M.Fremer reviewed the RP-10 that in it's system was surrounded by room/system that you not even in your dreams can imagine its quality high level performance and not only that but he compared against not only the SAT with the SAT 50K tonearm ( not a Kuzma blend/unipivots. ) and against the Continnum TT and Cobra 25K+ tonearm using the Ortofon Anna and Lyra Atlas where these cartridges alone are more expensive that your room/system.

Stereophile gave no ranks/grade /class because not only them but no other reviewers or audiophiles buy RB 3000 as an stand alone unit because audiophiles just do not know that the 3000 outperforms Kuzama OL and at least at the same level than the top SME. I know because I owned the 900/1000 and SME tonearms and the 3000 is the R.Gandy pinnacle on tonearm but your not to high level knowledge levels about are showing through your posts.


Fremer was not only the one that reviewed the RP10 with 2000/3000 ( yes REGA sold as apackage on its top range products. So what?. )


This one with a reviewer with way better system than yours as the Simsaudio phono stage that outperforms the JC3 that's for its price is good but the Reviewer owns Vandersteen  5-A  speakers ( that I lstened several times. ) tha's something to hear and by coincidence Lyra Atlas appears here too:


Rega RP10 Turntable (tonepublications.com)


Rega RP10 Turntable and Apheta Moving-Coil Cartridge - The Absolute Sound


Rega Planar 10 Turntable Review - The Absolute Sound


At the end I really don't care if you coose those inferior arms as OL or K instead the 3000 and I don't care because it's not me who will live with but you.

The audio world and especiality in analog each day is a learning day if we are willing to learn.

