What is your most fond musical memory.

One that makes you yearn for the ‘good old days.’

Mine took place in 1970. My grandparents were going on a world tour and I had their whole house to myself for 2 months. Alone at last!. I was 16. First thing I did was set up my audio system. Then I turned down the lights and put on the just released Grand Funk “Closer to Home’ album. I thought I was in heaven when ‘I’m your Captain’ came on. 10 minutes of Pure Bliss. To this day I get the tingles whenever I play that song.



August ‘72 ,, Leon Russell at Municipal Auditorium in KC.  Great great show.  After the concert leaving in traffic .. stopped at the light in my ‘64 beetle,,with my future wife by my side.. clear hot Midwest summer night,, concert foot traffic crossing in front of us,,,everybody happy.  In a moment of clarity, I knew that beautiful moments image would always remain vivid in my mind.  I have other great memories, but that is a peach.  

Magnificent stories from everyone... Thanks...

My most excrutiating moment in music was my exclusion from the chorus because i never been able to sing on tune...😊

I "see music" as spatial dynamic not as sound i can reproduce... I learned that later in life ...music is like a movie in my imagination, abstract geometry more than concrete stories... 

I am envious of musicians...😊

For me there exist two perfect life : as musicians or mathematicians...

I only encountered dead musicians , the first one being chorus music  on radio in the few  starting years of my life  as i already said in a post above... I stay with my love of choral music...


Ah, around 1966. I was 8 years old. My brother-in-law bought one of those "console" all-in-one wooden RCA stereos/combination liquor cabinet. I sat down in front between the speakers, staring at the red "stereo" light and heard two-channel, stereo audio for the first time in my life.  I was hooked. 

Thanks to all for the excellent posts and trips down memory lane. Clearly, many of us are lucky to have seen our musical heroes, but more lucky we are still here considering some of our youthful behavior! Keep ‘‘em coming.

7 years old. standing on the back seat of my dad's  Plymouth Fury 3, with my buddy, sister and her friend. 70 miles an hour, on I75 heading south from Michigan to Florida. Georgia pines flying by....Stevie Wonder "For Once in MY Life" blasting on the radio. also, "look through any window" by the Hollies (sp?) while trying to sleep on the same trip i think............just the best.........