Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?

I have a number of amplifiers: Luxman C900U, Bryston 4BSST2, Audio Research VSI 60 Integrated, NAD C298 and some other less noteworthy units. As I swap them in and out of my main system, I've come to the conclusion my very modest NAD C298 is about all I really need. Granted if I had extremely hard to drive speakers, I might be better with the Bryston or Luxman, but driving my Harbeth 40.2 speakers, the NAD is just fine. 

I thought a while ago that class D would quickly overtake amplifier design type mainly due to profit margin which I think would be much greater than A/B and tube. I'm not saying the other design styles would go away, just that D would be the most common style. 

Clearly my prediction is not panning out, at least in the mid and high-end audio world and I'm wondering why? It seems companies such as Bryston, Luxman, McIntosh, Hegel and so many others are sticking by A/B. I'm no "golden ears" guy, but is the perceived sound issue(weather real or imaginary) still holding D back? Maybe my assumption of profit margin is not correct? Maybe the amplifier manufacturers are experimenting with D, but keeping tight lipped until release? Perhaps brand loyalists don't want change similar to what happened with "new coke". What else am I missing?



It depends on what you are looking for in sound quality.  I would love to design a Class D amplifier that outperforms our Class A mono blocs but so far we cannot.  No even close.  BUT sound quality depends on the design, implementation and parts quality for the component.  We have a listening room in Northern New Jersey and everyone is welcome to come and bring their gear in to hear in our systems.  We do enjoy the company and meeting new people and are always willing to learn.

Happy Listening.

I remember, not all that long ago....

"Class D? Not worth a sh*t...."

My, how that’s changed...*s*

I’d like to see an amp designed along the lines of my distribution amp, but laid out on the ’style’ of adding a card in a puter....

Want another channel? A pair? More power?

'Dial-able' power?  4 linked as a monoblock?!

Buss line switchable to discrete inputs....Independent or mated line level....2>16 ohm outputs...dial up the ’response characteristic’ you’d prefer with the mating pre....

Start from there and dream up the next class... ;)

Complain about that for awhile, Then....😏 ...begin to stop ’dissing’ that....


They will go the way of cd players, in ten years no one will need them. Ralph and others perhaps have some time to cash in. He does not prefer his class D to his and many others tube amps. He won't fool me.

@inna I don't think if I was trying to fool people that I would last very long- things like that have a way of being found out. There's a very simple way to tell if I've been straight up 😉


I believe direct digital amps are the future. With regular class D you need a DAC and maybe a preamp. Direct digital amps are not only simpler but purer sounding. The modified Peachtree GaN 1 is incredible. Best sound I have heard.....and cheap. Modified streamer into this $1800 (with mods) thing and you are in for serious sound. The Mark Levinson (Daniel Hertz is his new complany) direct digital integrated amp (Maria 50...$10K) is probably even better. He has written software that improves the sound of any digital source......and according to Steve’s the real deal....He likes the Maria amp better than any Class A or other Class D amps he has EVER heard. .please check out these links:

and for bi-amping and or making your own speakers.......well, this is incredible:

I think that Levinson will license this technology so other companies can join in the fun.........come on know you want to try it!  NO analog amplifier preamps.... no analog cables....this is way cool!