Back to the point of reviews needing's not for the reviewer to say that product A sounds better than product B...because after all, it is just his opinion. But when a review goes into some detail comparing and contrasting what they heard; it gives the reader some information with which to triangulate.
You may not like Herb Reichert...but he always gives a bunch of comparisons...and if you can identify with any of them...then you can at least make some inference about how the product "might" sound in your system. And as we all know, that same product in our system, with our gear and our room may or may not impress.
It appears that the latest generation of class d amps...especially the GAN amps and especially a handful of the better ones are not longer being criticized as sounding thin or bright...but instead are being praised for sounding like/better than some of the highly regarded class a and class a/b amps.