Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

If you were right, why would McIntosh roll out a brand new 8 band ANALOG EQ for a cool 3 grand?  Please cease and desist with your lies and falsehoods. 

For mijostyn hearing is only a subjective illusionist...


Psycho-acoustics depth knowledge for sure dont go with this simplistic objectivist claim accusing people for example of super power about their "golden ears" ...

Analog EQ is designed for the ears which stay at the command control; digital EQ is better for him on all counts because for him all aspects of sound are reducible to asbtract Linear Fourier maps ...And with digital EQ most of the time we can put our ears in the back seat ... We "listen" to abstract frequencies plot more than to the concrete music which anyway is misinformed and plagued for objectivists by hearings subjectivist illusions in all case ...😊 It is not even wrong as opinion because for sure ears must be trained by experiments and learnings for acousticians as for musical maestros to be used with trust and confidence ...No need for "golden ears" here only training ...

Most people resort to simplistic ideology because it is easier... Especially educated people when they advocate for a theory over another one...Transhumanism is the better possible exem-ple after materialism and scientism ... This is so because true science is too complex for most people with or without doctorate ... True science must be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in a way or in another... Specialization good for technology and technocracy  may kill knowledge in the long run or create perfect specialized workers slaves for corporations  ... There is an epistemic  trade-off here...  I will stop here ...



I just took a look at the Charter Oaks equalizer.Interesting and it actually looks very attractive. Somehow I expected a more industrial appearance. Plus they sell them online and Mac online retailers do not,which is important to me being nowhere close to a retailer.I'm not motivated enough to spend most of a day driving back and forth to listen to the Mac with unfamiliar equipment.

After doing as much as I can with my room it might be just the thing for a few minor adjustments.Still mulling it over and appreciative of @tlcocks listing brands to look at.

Same for me ...

I learned a lot about the difference between analog EQ and digital EQ ... Thanks to @tlcocks

For sure i cannot afford this product for my low cost system ... Anyway i am happy with what i had ...But i am interested in this discussion because i like to learn ...

Still mulling it over and appreciative of @tlcocks listing brands to look at.