SUT experience

I finally went the SUT route for my TD124/SPU combo

II wish I would have done it sooner.  I was using the phono input on my McIntosh C47 preamp for the last 3 years and was satisfied.  Yesterday I added a a Japanese Entre T100 to my system and was very surprised.  Many of you will already know but I’m new to the SUT game and it was a game changer.  


Welcome to the SUT experience! IMO a good SUT sounds like "music" and further differentiates vinyl’s sound away from digital.

There are many different SUTs, each with their own distinct sonic character. Choosing the right ratio for a given cartridge is extremely important - much more than loading considerations. SUTs with 2 or more taps are very handy. My general-purpose favorite SUT is the EAR (MC-3 and MC-4; 3 and 4 taps respectively).

There is perhaps even more variance in the sound of various MC pre-preamp stages/SUTs that there is with RIAA MM stage - though the latter is crucially important as well.

JFET (voltage) pre-preamps can also be excellent in the right setup. But most of them tend to sound more "sterile" than SUTs. I like Jim Hagerman’s various Piccolos because they sound good and are cheap, at the expense of a bit higher noise floor (not problematic IMO). Most are JFET (voltage) based but he just added a Piccolo Zero model that is trans-impedance (current) based. I have one on order to try :)

Dear @lewm  : It's obvious that you never read the Stellar review I linked where the reviewer compared it to a 30K+ phono stages.

The " raining " in the @adrianleewelch  parade is because the PS Adio is better than the Project too and way better that any SUT.


Btw, @mulveling   " SUT sounds like "music" and further differentiates vinyl’s sound away from digital. ":

I'm not against you but your statement is only what you like and not what is rigth. You like SUT's thanks to its higher developed distortions and it's not your fault. Issue is that our ears perception are way tolerant in different kind of distortions, the VIV tonearm is an example how tolerant ( it can't discriminates ) to higher distortions are the owners ears and again no fault in those owners: that's what that's, ears limitations.






Because an individual has a preference for a particular and perceivable tone, as a blend for a sound being produced, is certainly not a limitation of ones capability to hear. .    

The Sound interaction had is quite controlled by the brains Amygdala.

As many reactions are also based on environmental interactions, where sound, sight and smell are influencers, the individual reacting to the stimulus triggered by the sensory perception and chemical reactions sent from the Amygdala through the Limbic is what mould a personal preference.

When you feel shivers go down your spine, the amygdala is activated.”

Don't let anybody attempt to convince another, that what is the trigger for their stimulus when it comes to sound produced via electronic audio equipment is the correct medicine for another, hence most time served audio enthusiasts do not share systems that are identical. 

Some use SUT's others Head Amps and others Viv Tonearms or SME 3012's.    

 “When your Cheshire Cat grin becomes fixed, the Amygdala is activated and the Limbic System is functioning healthily.”

It is this healthy function and the release of chemicals causing such a positivity of emotion, that enables the experience had, to be referred to as a form of entertainment.

Obviously there is not a Electronics equation that caters for all as a ubiquitous formula to feel entertained to ones own special preference. 

I don’t know all of the science for sure but one thing I do know with absolute certainty is that on my MOFI copy of Dire Straits Communique, which I have listened to more than any record that I own, I’m hearing fingertips on fretboards and nuances that I did not detect in the past. It likely wasn’t a volume or sensitivity issue. The A5s are sensitive. I sometimes use a 100wpc solid state amp instead of my little 2A3s, I THINK the SUT is revealing more, at least compared to my inboard phono pre.  I’m going to do an extended listening session tonight. The blue note collection is coming out.  

Raul, I read the Stellar review. It seems to be superb. I’d recommend it to anyone interested in a new phono stage. The OP does not seem to be interested in a new phono stage. That was my point. It doesn’t help to respond to a question regarding implementation of existing gear by saying the inquirer should ditch his gear and by something else entirely, in my opinion. Apparently you and Mijo think differently. That’s fine by me. But don’t you think your approach might alienate newbies?