wadia i170 meassured jitter level

does anyone know what the measured jitter level is on the wadia i170? I would like to know, i think the sony ps1 has less jitter and its at a high 737ps.
Can't swear to this but I recall one reviewer stating the jitter was over 3,000ps which seems extroadinarily high. Based on the differences I heard when the Wadia was plugged directly into a non-reclocking DAC as opposed to having a reclocking DIP in between Wadia and DAC, I can believe the jitter is very high. Not a problem if you have a DAC which de-jitters/reclocks the signal.
Wow that is a lot jitter. Even if your dac does a great job of lowering the jitter its still not as good as the source itself doing it. Why would you accept high jitter in an ipod transport and not in a cd transport? The really good cd transports have low jitter levels. I think wadia should come out with a higher end version of it i170.
Let's not jump to conclusions with no facts. I have compared my i170 to my previous Meridian G08 CDP nd I, and others, couldn't pick which was the source, this includes using the G08 as a transport and connecting it to the DAC I use with the i170.
The wadia is a fine unit for the price. I am just saying it could be better if the unit had less jitter. I don't use my wadia i170 anymore i use the msb ilink ipod transport. The msb ilink jitter is measured at 7ps. The sound i get out of my wadia 521 great northern sound co mod dac is now true reference sound now.