Comparing streamer/DACs between $5-10k

I’m looking for a DAC/Streamer single unit, willing to spend up to $7-8k & not opposed to something like a recent model/demo/open box unit.  The only streamer/DAC experience I’ve had so far with my gear connected is with an Aurender A200 on demo from a dealer. Said dealer says it’s the “benchmark” at this general price point.  IDK,  It sounds great, but what would I likely hear differently with the following units?

-Meitner MA3

-HiFi Rose 150b

-Lumin T3 or P1



What is the rest of your gear?  What other DACs you have heard that you like?  Do you have a software preference? The items you have listed are good but I would never put Meitner and Lumin in the same system.  They sound VERY different.  Need to know the rest of your gear or this could be a very wrong suggestion.  

@rkfaberdds Just be aware that those brands you listed are sold through dealers with their markups.  Cary is direct to consumer, and you can audition in your room for 30 days.  I would suggest watching  hifishark.  Several available of those you mentioned.

I can’t comment on your possible choices but add that I’ve heard the Holo May and Cord Hugo TT,  I was not overwhelmed.  I demoed the new Aqua LaScala DAC  and loved it.  A friend of mine dropped over a Lumin U1 mini for kicks and I was surprised how good it was over my 1k streamer.  I liked the Lumin sound so much I’ve purchased the U2 Lumin which will arrive in a week.  At the end of the day, there was a comment made earlier that may help direct you.  given what you currently have what would you like to have more off? Detail, warmth, sound stage, weight, etc.  each component has its own signature and strength.  In my experience and system the Aqua LaScala and Lumin combo provides all the above.  The U2 should provide even more given the reviews I’ve seen.   I can provide an update on the U2 in a few weeks.

Thanks everyone!  My system is comprised of:

-Rogue dragoN power amp

-ModWright LS100 pre

-Chapman T-7 loudspeakers (upgraded & modded)

Shunyata & AQ power cords & interconnects.

It’s hard to say what I’d like to hear more of/what sonic signature I’d like to enhance because everything sounds excellent.  T-7s have titanium tweeters.  Maybe I’m looking for smoother transients & to minimize sibilants?? I have plenty of bass and a nice 3-D soundstage, imaging is good…could it be better?