
Some months ago I upgraded my analog system extensively. My salesman recommended the Hana ML cartridge which I know is very highly thought of. I had been using the Clearaudio Virtuoso cartridge which I accidentally destroyed, I sent the Virtuoso out to be retipped by SoundSmith and when I got it back tried to sell it on Audiogon and eBay. I couldn’t give it away at a ridiculous low price so I kept it. I used the Hana in my new system for months and was relatively happy until I realized I wasn’t getting great sound compared to my digital side.
So I got the bright idea of switching back to the Clearaudio Virtuoso. Voila, the system came to life after break in like never before. 
Just shows how components are synergy related.





The Head has evolved, we started with the impression made through exchanges of certain devices used for replaying a Vinyl LP, and now the Thread is a:

Not a Anologue Bass vs Digital Bass vs Silver vs Copper vs Streaming vs CD vs Vinyl vs SS vs Valve vs Near Field Live  Omni Directional vs Recorded Directional, etc, etc.

The list of trivial concerns, valuable time is spent on pondering, is seemingly futile as a pursuit.

There are plenty of entertaining moments being denied, with this type of energy usage. 


the clearaudio is a decent cartridge and i suspect the soundsmith retip and cantilever (ruby?) gave it a performance boost.  

however the hana should be competitive.  could the difference be that your phono preamp is better suited to MM cartridges?   could it lack the gain and loading adjustments needed to make the hana really sing? 


The Maestro is an excellent cartridge and build quality is beyond reproach ,  I do not think it is a big enough upgrade to justify the expense. I think you should wait a bit longer and shoot higher up. I have owned a Charisma. It is very dynamic, great for rock, but it has a dark character with a slightly recessed treble. The Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC is the same price and a better cartridge. It tracks better is more neutral and just as dynamic. It is also much less expensive to rebuild. If you require a high output cartridge the Soundsmith Voice is the one to go for. The Nagaoka MP500 and Goldring 1042 get honorable mentions. 


When I went digital, everything including the turntable was processed digitally. The only thing added since then (1995) was digital RIAA correction. 

Living is learning and as you move along the audio evolutionary curve you learn about component interactions and problems you did not expect that require solutions. 

My main speakers will be bi amped not tri amped. This allows me to get rid of the RC network between the two transformers and use an amp that will handle the very low impedance of ESLs at high frequencies. I know of no better amp to drive the midbass and midrange of ESLs than the Atma-Sphere MA 2s. They are capable of putting more power into ESLs at those frequencies than any other amp. The problem is they have an output impedance of 1.7 ohms and the ESLs drop well below that at high frequencies thus the high frequencies roll of after 12 kHz. It is a very popular combination usually only affordable by older gentlemen that have already lost their hearing above that frequency. Only solid state amps have the ultra low output impedances that will drive ESLs at high frequencies effectively, thus the odd combination.  

You may have arrived at your destination. I am still enjoying the trip.


I know the Hana is very highly regarded.  I think that I might have messed up the original setup by the technician, causing a drop in performance.