"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"



i am flabbergasted reading this article ..

 We see that the esthetic experience  linked to music experience dont lie in an abstract conception , a Pythagorean one, about Harmony reduced to his mathematical Ratios but to the body itself as a whole not only when  playing an instrument  singing, dancing , but even listening ...

if you relate this important article to the Cambridge study above and then go reading the Akpan J. Essien article about a new theory of hearing the sound source , an ecological theory of sound not based on just Fourier mapping.you will understand why this is very important revolution  in music understanding but also Acoustic ..


 Read the conclusion of this important article about a statistical research in music perception :


«We conclude that music induces consistent bodily sensations and
emotions across the studied Western and East Asian cultures.
These subjective feelings were similarly associated with acoustic
and structural features of music in both cultures. These results
demonstrate similar embodiment of music-induced emotions in
geographically distant cultures and suggest that music-induced
emotions transcend cultural boundaries due to cross-culturally
shared emotional connotations of specific musical cues. We argue
that bodily experience, which may arise from skeletomuscular
activity and changes in the physiological state of the body, plays a critical role in the elicitation and differentiation of music-induced emotions.»


This is amazing too read it :

«When we use instruments like the bonang, Pythagoras’s special numbers go out the window and we encounter entirely new patterns of consonance and dissonance," Dr. Harrison said.

"The shape of some percussion instruments means that when you hit them, and they resonate, their frequency components don’t respect those traditional mathematical relationships. That’s when we find interesting things happening."

"Western research has focused so much on familiar orchestral instruments, but other musical cultures use instruments that, because of their shape and physics, are what we would call ’inharmonic.’"»



The researchers found that the bonang’s consonances mapped neatly onto the particular musical scale used in the Indonesian culture from which it comes. These consonances cannot be replicated on a Western piano, for instance, because they would fall between the cracks of the scale traditionally used.

"Our findings challenge the traditional idea that harmony can only be one way, that chords have to reflect these mathematical relationships. We show that there are many more kinds of harmony out there, and that there are good reasons why other cultures developed them," Dr. Harrison said.

Importantly, the study suggests that its participants—not trained musicians and unfamiliar with Javanese music—were able to appreciate the new consonances of the bonang’s tones instinctively.»


 And now this explain why atonal music as Schoenberg is so boring and difficult to fit in the human body ... :

«Importantly, the study suggests that its participants -- not trained musicians and unfamiliar with Javanese music -- were able to appreciate the new consonances of the bonang's tones instinctively.

"Music creation is all about exploring the creative possibilities of a given set of qualities, for example, finding out what kinds of melodies can you play on a flute, or what kinds of sounds can you make with your mouth," Harrison said.

"Our findings suggest that if you use different instruments, you can unlock a whole new harmonic language that people intuitively appreciate, they don't need to study it to appreciate it. A lot of experimental music in the last 100 years of Western classical music has been quite hard for listeners because it involves highly abstract structures that are hard to enjoy. In contrast, psychological findings like ours can help stimulate new music that listeners intuitively enjoy."»



I would say that what makes music revolutionary is the way in each different culture different Timbre instruments experience induce specific feelings and experience in specific body locations...

Then it is not a mathematical choice of tonality scale, be it western one or Eastern one that matter and makes music so enthralling, but the fact that in these tonalities it is their slight imperfection coming with specific instrument timbre properties that is pleasant and makes the sound interesting ...Or as said Ekpan J. Essien , it is the perception of the body image of the vibrating sound source that makes music a discovery and a deep information not only about the vibrating sound source material qualities but about our own vibrating body geography when feeling the sound...


I hope that these posts could be useful to at least one person here ...


This last 12 post of mine through these studies article and one book adress the frontier between musical esthetic and acoustic science ...

We live interesting time...

This explain also why A.I. will never create interesting music because A.I. had no body located in an environment and do not play an instrument and cannnot interpret feelings as location in his body as we can as human ...

A.I. will be a specialized very sophisticated "musical box" able to mimic anything...

this is an interesting tool for sure but also a dangerous path ... 😊


And now, after it's been pointed out that you posted 13 times in a row, you post 4 times in a row. So very sad.

And now, after it’s been pointed out that you posted 13 times in a row, you post 4 times in a row. So very sad.


You did not remark as mean you are that these posts are mostly articles references , extracts and only very few observations of mine ?

You are so idiotic that you post one line suggesting to me or to anybody as me we must obey your judgement : too much posts... You are comically stupid with the appearance of intelligence ...😊

You dare to throw your "opinion" about a content you did not even read , after i pointed to his HISTORICAL importance , why Pythagoras was wrong and what are the consequences on hearing theory and on music understanding...( for you it seems acoustics is panels on a wall )

You called my very important NEWS useless posted by a nut , relating 2 main research which used statistics and one book about a Writer you did not even know , this writer who anticipated BEFORE these very recent experiments their conclusions confirming his theory of hearing which put into a trasbin Pythagoras conception who influenced all acoustics till today ...

You called my reporting adress of these articles hypocritally and in a mean way , patronizing as you allways did , especially people who had something to say you dont like, you call my postings : "very sad" suggesting a psychological unbalanced mind...

i prefer to be "nuts" i dont contest that, than a patronizing ass who came back with the arrogance of closed mind only to be mean ...

Everyone who will read these articles and relate them together will measure the importance of this news..

And do what you have done in your own thread about A.I. and music , quitting and sulking as if posting important articles must be an insult to "the great well known corrector around the world " you are as you already said to me , then why not quitting to sulk far from this thread too ?😁

Because here also i posted multiple science articles and comment you dare not even to read and decided instead with your petty character to insult me in your indirect hypocrital way even if you had read not only one line of these important NEW scientific information...

You are comical so easy to decipher with your frustrated state of mine and mean character and arrogant patronizing polluting a thread with no arguments only insulting hypocritally a thread with real information not just my mere opinion...

Everyone will decide if the information put by the "nuts" i am is valuable’ on his own right or will decide that your mean and hypocrital attack are valuable and true ?

I am not like you. I spell thing as they are and i call an arrogant patronizing dude by his name ... You can play around faking to be sad about a "nuts" ...😊

Now do what you do the best go sulking because you are not recognized by all the best healthier and more intelligent and informed people here ..

Anyway i put all these posts because they are there to be useful for one person... I am amazed by these new discoveries... It is not for you ... You did not even understand why they communicate important news it seems .. 😊