Listening Room

Hello to all,

I think this is a situation many audiophiles find themselves in: That being your listening room is NOT a dedicated room that your expensive audio system resides in. You do NOT have a chair that is perfectly positioned in between speakers to optimize your listening enjoyment. Why? The room simply cannot accommodate a chair in the center or, most likely, your wife and/or significant other will not allow you to place a chair where it's supposed to be when listening.

Having said that, you listen to music from everywhere in the room. How does one go about speaker placement? How do you increase the sound stage? Are some speaker brands better than others when you do not have a dedicated listening room? Thanks for your input.


Sorry you found the question I asked the OP (of this thread) to be offensive, Saint @mahgister , I am genuinely curious as to whether the OP is @jerryg123 . Quite a similar screen name he picked out. No biggy to me one way or the other--just curious.


I pointed to your repeated insinuation here (2 times) about the OP identity instead of genuine interest in the thread matter as your past behaviour proved it in the Bolong thread and in the solar flare thread ...


Since you brought it up and referenced it, I noticed that on the other thread (meaning the one you just now referenced) a lot of your truly bat-crap crazy posts have been deleted. What happened? Did you go back and look at them and decide that they really did make you seem unstable? Just asking for a friend who wants to know.

The posts were deleted because they were only deconstruction of your lies, accusations, character attacks against me or asvjerry and no more useful. My posts with a content with the thread were kept there ...

For sure your insisting identity question about the OP are only "innocuous curiosity" in this case here...Or perhaps an indication about your past behaviour...

Now as you harassed me for a year i will observe also your future behaviour ...




I pointed to your repeated insinuation here (2 times) about the OP identity instead of genuine interest in the thread matter

Again, Saint @mahgister  , when I saw the similar screen name I was genuinely curious, so I asked, and since I thought OP may have overlooked my question, I simply asked twice.  Sorry that this offended you, but to OP's original question, I did say that I agree with @erik_squires  , that probably the best one could do in the circumstance described was to use forgiving speakers.  Since I have never had a room that was well acoustically treated (meaning my living room in the past and a smaller room in the present), but I have had some sound that satisfied me, I had always felt that my speakers (B&W 805 Matrixes) must be relatively forgiving.


The posts were deleted because they were only deconstruction of your lies, accusations, character attacks against me or asvjerry and no more useful

Okay, so you did delete them because in a rare moment of clarity you did realize that they were batcrap crazy.  Good for you.

Now as you harassed me for a year i will observe also your future behaviour 

Hopefully I can serve as a positive role model for you; you certainly need one.

Thanks indeed. Your behaviour here seems to almost return back to respect of others...

Even your answers loose sarcastic mockery...😊

I will behave accordingly ...

Hopefully I can serve as a positive role model for you; you certainly need one.

I answered arguments by arguments... Nowhere i did mock people for months as you did...In the past, it seems if i read you ...

Be a model for everyone ... Not just me ...

If you disagree with one of my too long post answer with arguments of a rational nature as i did ...








when I first posted my virtual system, someone suggested I sell photos of my feet, not give them away free. guess they didn't look too closely, I've had 9 foot surgeries.

one of the most comfortable chairs in the world is the Laz Y Boy in my brother's basement!!!!!!!! I would never have one here due to appearance, but