Looking for a line conditioner

Hello. I am looking for a line conditioner that actually makes an impact on the sound of a system. My setup is Coda 16 amp, Coda 07x pre, Holo May KTE Dac and Aurender N20. I am currently using a Pangea. I have heard the Synergistic Research power cell 8 and Audioquest series conditioners are pretty good but I have never heard them in a system. Thanks for your input. 


I have heard a lot of people claim the Puritan made a real difference in their system. That is likely where I will look when I replace my Furman. 

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To push the envelope: one type of conditioner can be used for source components - another type for amps. One conditioner can be used for analog - another for digital. Digital is known for regurgitating noise back into the system circuitry. Several brands of conditioners internally isolate the digital from analog - but my ears preferred separate units for each. Much depends on your budget and level of OCD.   Start with one, you can always add another later. YMMV.

Depends on the quality of power you currently have. My recommendation would be to run a dedicated line if possible and get the conditioner only for digital. I’m not a fan of puritan as it reduced dynamics in my system with only the source components plugged into it. Plugging in Pass XA30.8 into the puritan further exacerbated this effect. I ended up selling it. Running everything direct to wall now. 
Shunyata power conditioners always worked pretty good in my system. 

But as @tvad stated, the only way to know is to try

The Shunyata Denali provided significant improvements in lowering noise floor, increasing detail retrieval, and reproduction of micro dynamics without changing macro dynamics.  There are isolated zones, two high current outlets for amplification and four low current zones for digital equipment.  I also can recommend Audience.  I have an AR2T supplying an Aurender N200.  In this configuration I can shut down power to all other equipment with the Shunyata while leaving power on to the Aurender as recommended in the Aurender manual.