Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


@donsachs I have gone about this room and system a bit bass ackwards. The walls do have resilient channels and quiet board on top. The room isn’t a 100% listening space as I’m a retired (but still doing some work) photographer. It’s a multi purpose room. Currently a small set is up blocking the left speaker a bit and the tunes still sound good. Big imaging not so much.

The Klipschorn’s AK6 sound good smack dab in the middle of the room as well as the far end where I have an editing station. If space would have allowed speakers that were several feet out in the room I would have not used the Khorns AK6es. I have a 9x12 north window that makes for a great natural light source. A daylight studio is tops. The (now translucently shaded) small high windows make it so the room has two light sources as a room with just one light source is off-putting. (A PATTERN LANGUAGE Towns, Buildings, Construction By Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein is a great book)

This is to scribe I know my light stuff but maybe not sound stuff as much.

To divert. Many years ago I had a big party and rented a friends brother’s Khorns. When it was time to take them back his wife told me I could buy them. I said, ‘I could not afford them”. She said, “yes you can”. She was very pissed off at them in their small living room. I paid scant little for them. He got back as his wife with voluminous electro static speakers that went to the ceiling. They are still married. I sold the Khorns to a client and over thirty years later they still are in use.

Diversion #2. Close to fifty years ago my parents had a marital separation and my mom was righteously mad at my father. He moved out and she gave away his beloved chest high Tannoy speakers, MC 275, records and turntable. They reconciled but no more big rig came back. I asked Mom why she didn’t give them to me and she said she never thought of that.

This is the background stuff that forms us. Dad was into stereo. I have been since I can remember ( but with out funds to indulge as I now do until a few years ago ) and now my grown sons are too.

The “plan” was to do sound treatments and then get serious about amplification and a pre. I have been a 300B lurker for years and the Raven/Blackbird’s are on order after an unexpected windfall and well you know the rest.

I never planed to use the Lumin AMP long term but it’s what I had (snarfed up on Agon) with the Khorns but it’s a lot more than Aok as a place holder.

Should I better the cross overs in the AK6’s and if so with what? It took three of us to get the Khons up on special sound dampening blocks and as they still smell new. (a lady bought them and retuned as she didn’t like the color!!!!) Will I void the warranty if different cross overs are put in?

Room treatments should make a considerable difference in quashing the bit of echo. Next week I’m off to find a big rug remnant and get it bound and will order 24-30 panels. VERY dynamic requires that too.

Quote the Raven

No one here can love or understand me
Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light, I’ll arrive late tonight
Blackbird, Hi. Hi. Helllooooowwww.

If the Khorns are basically new models from Klipsch, I wouldn't dig into the crossover because, yes, you will void your warranty.   Just enjoy them.  I modded Cornwall IV and they had cheap caps in them and very cheapo sand resistors, including one in series with the midrange horn.  Changing to good caps and path audio resistor on the horn made the speaker much better than stock.  I sold them to a guy who loved them, so the warranty wasn't an issue for me or him.   If the khorn has similar caps and resistors in it as compared to the Cornwall IV, then you can definitely get better sound, but at this point, get your system set up and just enjoy it.  You may go in a different direction on speakers eventually, who knows.

There is a whole subculture of modding the classic Klipsch products ... Cornwall (probably the easiest to tame), La Scala, Belle Klipsch, and of course the Klipschorn. Look up "Klipsch Forums" and off you go. Classic Klipsch are famed for dynamics but the frequency response can be sort of uneven in the 1950’s manner.

Aside from response irregularities, the quality of the factory crossover parts is kind of marginal. But there are at least two different vendors selling premade souped-up crossovers for each of the classic Klipsch models ... no soldering needed.

The KHorn definitely requires corner placement in order for much bass below 60 Hz ... the corner of the room completes the horn mouth, expanding it several times. Some folks actually use false corners, which work fine, provided the false wall is reasonably rigid and doesn’t vibrate.

I use loudspeakers that are designed to be close to room corners, but the room in our new home could not accommodate that setup. While losing the corners decreased bass and the overall energy, I did gain some detail as a benefit. After doing a lot of research, I wound up adding, in my case, custom open baffle subs even though my loudspeakers go down to 30Hz as-is. It’s an unconventional setup as the subs are in-between my loudspeakers and my centered audio rack. However, this not only solved my bass/energy issue due to the loss of corners, but the subs strengthened the system’s foundation, and now it has more detail, sounds bigger, and retains the relaxed sound that I love.

I am also very interested in the Raven preamplifier.


The Raven design is stabilized and they are in production at Spatial Audio Labs in Salt Lake City. Don Sachs lives in British Columbia in Canada, I live on the outskirts of Denver in Colorado, and we both communicate with Spatial on a regular basis.