Schiit Aegir-Burn in Period

I have recently purchased two New Schiit Aegir Amps and running them in a mono balanced set-up. Can anyone with experience advise on an appropriate burn in period for the amps? Or, generally, what is a reasonable period of time to break-in solid state class A amps.


I just got an Aegir 2 today, and within first 20 minutes, pushed it into protection mode.  It simply couldn't handle some serious George Duke funk!

Oh... and I'm running it into my Cornwall IV's.  I really like the sound so far, but the high's have a papery swishy sound to to them, that I hope will clear up When or IF it  breaks in.  I'm hearing other really good qualities though, but if it keeps shutting down on me, that will be a deal breaker.  I really thought 30wpc would be plenty for my Cornwalls.


@mirolab  I ended up returning the Aegir 2 because it was going into protection at lower volume than my original Aegir, which surprised me.  I ended up returning it for that reason and getting another OG Aegir to run monoblocks.  Very happy with them.  To be honest, though, I liked the sound of the Aegir 2 more than the OG Aegir.  It’s a great amp.

I just ordered an Aegir 2 amp yesterday and I'm a little wary over if going to be enough power for my B&W 706 s2 speakers. The minimum wpc of the B&W's is 30 the same as the max of Aegir 2 is 30. I have been using an Emotiva BasX A4 bi-amped to 4 channels with 100 wpc and it sounds pretty good to me. But I can't help but wonder how much better it would sound with a higher quality of an amp. I guess I'm weighing out if losing the much higher wpc with the emotiva will negate the benefit of low wattage but a higher sonic quality I have a Rel T/X7 for the bottom which hopefully helps enough given that the Aegir 2 lower wpc may give off a lower bass impression off the speakers themselves. I would love to hear all of your opinions before the Aegir is shipped.

Both my Schitt Yggi+ DACs took 1 month of heavy playing to settle. My Aegir, which is used as a headphone amp did not take much time. It runs hot so maybe that helps in the components settling faster.

BTW - I put together a new headphone system 2 days ago after having some of the components idle for the longest time.

Schitt Aegir 1 amp | Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp | Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC  | RAAL CA-1a phone | RAAL TI-1b interface

I had other DACs in the chain before and it was sonically close to my RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp, but really not as nice. However, now with the LIM DAC I am almost at the VM-1a level. A shocking surprise and one that allows me to move the VM-1a to another room.

The Aegir is one nice amp. 



@grh1958 the Aegir can be run as mono blocks to get about 80 watts. That only works with XLR inputs into the Aegir, so your preamp needs XLR outs. The stereo Aegir only works with RCA.

Schitt does have a 15-day home trial period.