Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?

Looking for efficient speakers. I had the opportunity to listen to a Cornwall IV yesterday. It was run on nice tubes (Primaluna 400 EL34s) with a bluesound node streamer/dac.

QUESTION: I'm curious if anyone has compared CW IV with Volti Rival of Razz. Thoughts?

QUESTION 2: Anyone know what changed in the Volti Razz when it moved from v. 2 to v. 3?


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I stupidly sold my pair of Volti Razz speakers a couple of years ago. I had them set up in a smallish room and felt they were too much speaker for that space. Why I didn’t set them up in a larger space in my home, I don’t know. I have a pair of Wilson Sasha series one driven by a pair of McIntosh MC-501 mono-block amplifiers. If I could sell them for a decent price, I would look into a pair of the new Lucera. Is anyone interested in a pair of Wilson Sasha's in great condition near the NY metro area? Local sale only, I will not ship them

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I am considering the Lucera. It's high praise that @hdbc3036 would sell Sashas to get a pair.