Cabling Recommends Simaudio Ace/Totem Forest

Members - Looking to upgrade cabling, mainly speaker wire and possibly power cord.  Just added Simaudio Moon Ace (integrated with DAC & Streamer) running to Totem Forest speakers (standard, not the Signatures) with Transparent Wave speaker wire and Transparent PC. Forests can be bi-wired and am now using the jumpers that came stock (thin copper).  Mainly listen to rock, EDM with apple music, thinking about Tidal, and running the TV into the Sim.  Sounds good as is but the Transparents were more or less entry level.  Looking to purchase speaker wire used up to $600, 2.5-3 meters.

Would appreciate your thoughts on bringing system to next level.  Seeing cable such as Audioquest Rocket 88, Kimber 12-TC, Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEF level 1 or Tesla Accelerator, Audience AU24 or OHNO III.  Some of these are bi-wire cables.  Since buying used, won't really have a chance to demo and don't want to do the back and forth with Cable Co lending, so would really appreciate members experience - (yes, I know, being a bit lazy).

Happy Memorial Day,




Great!  Look forward to your impressions, and definitely do a free trial of Tidal or Qobuz asap.  Love your speakers BTW. 

Update:  Lots of changes last few weeks, retaining only speakers.

Prior System: Totem Forest Speakers (non-Signature), Krell 400xi integrated, Benchmark DAC 1 USB, Transparent cabling, APC surge protector and TV optical/PC usb.

Updated System: Totem Forest Speakers (non-Signature), Simaudio Moon ACE (integrated, DAC, Streamer), Acoustic Zen Satori speaker wire (single not bi-wire, black to upper, red to lower), Acoustic Zen Tsunami Power Plus power cord, DH Labs jumpers, SurgeX 156 surge protector/power conditioner, Hubbell 8200 outlet, TV optical, apple music bluetooth.  (Will give Tidal a shot now that this is all set.)



- Was quite concerned that little Sim at 50 wpc would be a problem coming from a 200 wpc Krell.  Absolutely not an issue, I've barely had it above 55 and it goes up to 80.  Granted, NYC apt but reasonable size room  (13x21ish). 

 - Background is much blacker/silent.

- Bass tighter and faster

- Dynamics more pronounced (from quiet to loud and fast - possibly result of less noise in system overall). 

- Detail enhanced (wife even commented on this).

A lot of this was the Sim but then added in the AZ cabling/DH Jumpers and noticed further improvement in these areas.

The little Sim is an impressive piece of kit and really easy to use for both TV and streaming at a reasonable price for all it does.  Inputs/volume/etc can be controlled from Iphone.  Sim's new North Collection looks quite amazing and would be cool to check out (it has corresponding amazing price).

Appreciate everyone's helpful guidance with a special shout out to Soix for AZ and DH recommends!





Wow, you do not mess around!  I’m not familiar with the Sim, but it sounds like an impressive little beast.  Super glad you’re happy — congrats and enjoy!!!