speakers and cables

this is about me being a loser and problem creator.

I finally got a 2nd subwoofer and I was excited to hook it up. Well, not too excited. I knew it would be a pain to hook it up. I was excited to hear it. I spent over 90 minutes connecting the speaker wires to my power amp. When I turned it on, the left channel was gone. It blew the fuse. I disconnected everything, replaced the fuse, hooked it up again. It worked for 10 seconds, blew the fuse again.

The way I hooked them up was I went from the sub speaker out from both subwoofers, rolled the left and right side wires together so I had 4 wires that I connected to the left and right plus and minus channels - speaker binders on the power amp. What are my options? My preamp has no sub out. Nor my amp.

Stupid question: should I just go from left to left on one sub and right to right on the other sub?


@mswale - that ’speaker’ filter does not specify power rating. Judging from the picture it would only work with few watts amp. '250 W RMS', well, we've all seen boomboxes with '1000 Watts' stickers...

@mswale so the High-pass RCA link is the simplest, it's a plug that has the filter inside? All the signal that comes out of it is above 100Hz? Reading the reviews, it's simple and effective.

Except I don't know what a streamer is. smiley

I am an "analog guy"

In that event, here's a guide to whip up a filter that's better tailored for your gear.

