I upgraded my 40 year old system a year ago. I audition several streamer/dac's in my music room after replacing old JSE Infinite Slope speakers with Klipsch RP-8000F II speakers, my Aragon 4004 Mark II with Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier, and adding an RLS 12S Speedwoofer. Likewise upgrades of power cables and interconnects, including XLR's. Among the streamer/dac's I auditioned were Eversolo's DMP-A6 and DMP-A8. No question about the A8, much better than the A6 and worth twice the price. And it has room correction software.
That said, I fully endorse the comments on the importance of the listening space. My space is 12' x 15' with a ceiling that slopes from 8' up to 22,' where there is an open walkway. With no room treatment, the echo with just a clap of the hands reverberatedseverely and cautioned against any music played in the room. I tried nevertheless, and the clap echo confirmed that listening to music would be intolerable.
After layering carpet over the entire wood floor and hanging carpets on three walls, the space was entirely transformed, with onlya trace of reverb. I can eliminate that trace by drawing down the honeycombed 8' shades on the 3 full-length windows/sliders on the fourth wall.
I say treat your listening space first to see what difference it can make with your current system. Or if you're keen with anticipation, you could mix variables and treat your space in concert (pun intended) with your component upgrade.
Enjoy the voyage.