Eera Tentation cd player - any thoughts?

Hallo everyone. I've just upgraded my lp front end to a level that I don't think I can easily improve beyond. Along with all the best attributes of analogue, it has much of the precision of the best cd.
Now I'm looking for a cd player that can demonstrate an excellent analogue sensibility. Currently running an Emm Labs CDSA SE, which although v. listenable, has the tonal thinness thru the mids that all cd I've heard is prone to.
Players I've never got on with incl. Meridian, Wadia, DCS, AMR etc.
So now I hear of the EERA TENTATION which according to no less than the analogue afficionado Albert Von Schweikert really has a tonal density and transparency to rate right up there with the best of analogue.
Who here has heard it, and what are your impressions?
I'm also looking at the NEODIO NR22 which I gather also has many of analogue's best traits.
Albert informed me Audio Play is creating a new website, not sure when it will be finished.

The better news is Audio Play will compare the Eera Tentation and NeoDio NR22 shortly, Albert will get the results and let me know.
I´ve compared the Wadia 7i, the DCS Puccini, AudioAero La Fontaine and alle found them rather less musical than the former top-of-the-range model from Eera, namely the DL-2. Now I´ve had the chance to get my hands on the Eera Tentation. It is by far the best CD player that I´ve ever listened to.
I ended up buying it.
Vic, I am very interested in great sound. I am very appreciative that audiophiles are pioneering and advancing computer audio,and will probably someday go to computer audio myself. I do use lossless iTunes for on the road and to deliver meditation workshops, but right now these are some of my objections.
1. Currently I enjoy simplicity. I have an Ayon CD5's which has transport, Dac, and Preamp all-in-one, saving multiple PC's and IC's and resulting, with other strategies, in a dead quiet, ultra clean background.
2 I often spend 12 hours a day on computer for work and find it more relaxing and enjoyable to be away from computers and feel and see the physical media when listening to music.
3. The thought of transferring 3,000 discs to storage is daunting and I have never seen a drive that was not subject to failure and easy theft.I have experienced trouble with backups when they were eventually needed.
4. I am in a 3mbs zone where it takes forever to transfer large files such as High Res. Re-buying all of my favorites as downloads and having restricted access to new music, compared to the availability on CD at this time is not appealing.
5. Computer tech is changing so fast and there are so many many options that for the uninitiated it is a highly complex and moving target with a whole new vocabulary that is also intimidating - and for me the hobby is already obsessive enough!
6. It is highly likely that computer audio will be substantially cheaper, better, and simpler in a year or two and new formats such as DSD and Blue Ray audio and BD CD's may dictate different approaches.
I hope this helps you understand why some intelligent music lovers might be reluctant to jump on computer audio at this time, even with the promise of audio nirvana.
Gammajo, I couldn't have said it better, maybe one day, but there is too much changing software and languages to keep up with.

For now, I'll stay with my CEC belt drive and 16/44 NOS Dac, sounds real to me.