ZYX RS20 vs Denon DL103


I have currently using the DL103, would like to try out something, ZYX RS20 come to mind, I listen mostly Jazz & old pops LPs, would the ZYX better than teh DL103?

Any other suggestion? My budget is around US300-400.

Better in what respect? What do you like/dislike about the DL-103?

The Denon, to my ears, is a punchy, dynamic cartridge, impaired by its conical stylus, so that unless matched perfectly with the step up/phono stage can give a slightly sibilant "bloom".

The Zyx carts do a very good job of suppressing surface noise and are very neutral in character, although the Airy 2 and below in the range can lack bass extension. My guess is that a Zyx would work nicely in and SME arm.

I spent a good few hours last weekend listening to a Denon 103R which sounded wonderful - certainly way better than it should considering its modest price direct from Eifl in Japan.
Hi Flyingred,

Thanks for yr response. I like the DL103 so far but it kind of lacking "body" and it does pick up some surface noise. I am using AusioResearch SP15 so for the phono part is good as I can switch between 10Ohmns to 47K.

I also read some posts about ZYX that is good for Classical but not Jazz....I'm not sure how true this statement is.

My arm is Grace F545 which is a vintage arm, headshelf also from Grace.

May I suggest to load your Denon with 500 Ohms or 1k Ohms and VTF to about 2.3 grams.

I have the 103R and this setting works for me.

good luck