Loricraft thread type


I would like to know what type thread the Loricraft machines use. I do not want to get it from Smart or Loricraft because $10 a spool is a bit much for the thread when I know I can buy it at the local fabric store for half that and without having to pay shipping either.
I know it is a nylon thread and we should not use cotton. But I want to know thickness or size.
It dought it will ruin the machine more like my records.
The thread that comes with the Loricraft is nylon. Cotton can leave fibers or static, and may carry dirt wicked into itself across a record. Let us know if you come across an inexpensive alternative nylon thread.

On a spool from Loricraft is this:

D 002
100 YDs
#521 Nylon R.W. white

Size D is .0104 inches in diameter
Pottstown, PA

You are both correct. Cotton should not be used (brain freeze). I have to believe a Gudebrod retailer or distributor can point you to the non-audiophile thread that is identical. Good luck.
Last year we went to 4 local fabric shops trying to find the Gudebrod thread or the equivalent. No luck, it's not retailed in our neck of the woods. Most thread that's thin enough is cotton, not a good choice.

We eventually googled it and found an online source somewhere. A dozen spools were much less than $10 apiece, though as Narrod said we had to cancel our audiophile membership cards!