Dual 704 turntable. Any good?

Could anyone out there shed a little light on the merits or otherwise of a Dual 704 turntable and a Technics SP 12? I have the opportunity to buy either but I do not know which one to go for. Its my intention to seriously mod-up whichever deck I go for by having new plinths made of granite/plywood and also to fit a high quality arm, in the region of £500 to £800 price range. Be very handy if I could get some feedback on whether it is a good idea or not or if the decks in question are worth spending the considerable money such modification upgrades would cost. Any advice would be very welcome.
I can only speak to my expierence with the 2 pieces. I had a chance to listen to both years ago and I liked the Dual myself. My oldest brother bought the 704 and if I remember right it was a semi-automatic system. I bought the 721 which was fully automatic. I remember that alot of people liked the tone arm alot better on the Dual and was used alot in serious listening while the Technics was used alot by DJ'sI would pick the Dual but its not like I couldnt live with the other.

Good Luck!