The Blue Angel Mantis cartridge

Hi All
I am considering purchasing a Blue Angel mantis cartridge and would like to hear from those that have heard or are using one.
I have used many great cartridges in the past from the likes of Allaerts,Dynavecter,Koetsu,Ortofon etc.
Has anybody compared the Mantis to other highly regarded carts?
Mosin...I will not be a test bed for a garage activity. Innovative buyers of this stuff are often stuck. There are wonderful products made by strong companies...I don't need to put my money into their hobby. There are a lot of cartridge manufacturers of worth...I have a Benz LPS and have received strong support from Musical question was turned away. I doubt that any cartridge will be more satisfying than the LPS. ..different perhaps but I certainly don't care. Carnegie Hall in New York sounds different than Symphony Hall in Boston. They both please me.
I agree with Mosin but with restriction to those who are
passionate and curious. This 'çombo' make the 'garage activity'
and innovation possible. The economist assume
homo economicus like Stringreen who are 'risk avoiding'
and are obviously the majority. I myself belong to the
majority. That is to say I wait till the garage become
a successful company.
If you had purchased an Air Tight PC1 before the garage door opened you would have paid less than $4000. Now the garage door is open the price is $6800.
The Mantis difference between $5000 and $2000 direct is pretty much the distributor and retail margins.
Dear Stringreen: The audio top high-end is a very small market niche not a massive one so IMHO is very dificult that a " strong companies " ( as you say ) came and suddenly invest big dollars in this market where the probabilities of success is really limited.
In the other side to compete in this market ( a real compettition. ) that strong companies must have a very top knowledge and skills to offer products that can compete and this " scenario " is a very hard task because that " strong companies " needs to learn what quality level performance is what this market asked.

Almost all those " strong companies " came from a " garage activity ", I don't know one strong company that be strong right from the starting time.

IMHO to have susccess in this " exclusive " market the " strong companies " needs to be not only wealthy ones but: audiophiles, music lover's and with the knowledge/skill levels and the attitude/emotion/passion to share their findings to customers like you and me.

I support almost all those " audio adventures " because many times those " adventure " products makes a difference for the better and permit to the whole market ( sooner or later ) to grow-up and this is what we are looking for: growing-up and not to be sticked with products that can't give me a better music home experiences.

How many years has Benz Micro in the market and only today has the LPS?, they are expert and through all those years even today are learning.

I think that in the same way that a company take its risk we have as a customers take our own risk about: obviously a " calculated " risk.

Btw, there are other cartridges that sounds different to your LPS but certainly there are other cartridges that are better too. I don't think that you are saying that that cartridge is " perfect ".

IMHO that Mantis is a good cartridge but IMHO nothing to die for. If the cartridge fulfil your music sound priorities then that Blue Angel is the right cartridge for that person, not for me.

Regards and enjoy the music,