Has anyone heard the new Pass Labs XP-15 phono?

I traded in my Pass Ono for the Pass Xono and am very pleased with its clean, detailed and neutral sound. I'm curious if the new XP-15 is as much of an improvement over the Xono as the new Pass XP-10 preamp is over the X-1. I know the XP-15 has a built-in power supply (one-box). There will be a two-box verson (XP-25) later. Also, I think there are fewer cartidge loading options, but the switches are on the exterior of the unit, making it much easier to try different settings. Are there any reviews yet? Thanks.
Hi AudioFeil, I'll have to ask my friend. The cables were furnished by Pass, that's all I know. I didn't inspect anything closely, I don't like the looks of their gear, except for the remote. I just listened. Even when the phono stage was at my house, I just ignored it. :)
has anyone actually details about what this 'marvel' can do?
Like loading Rs, loading Cs?, 40dB / 60dB?, differential circuit or single ended?, etc. etc.

I just got mine and loaded it 100 ohms with 66db gain for my Dynavector XX-2 .3 mv cartridge. Sounds superb with low noise and great dynamics. Tonally, it strikes a great balance between smooth and detailed, so it comes out very musical with all types of music. Great piece and highly recommended.
I have one and really enjoy it. But in full disclosure I need not audition any others. Put myself in the hands of my dealer and turntable manufacturer and that is what they came up with as the best option for my system without spending a ton more. It is dead quite in my system, very quick, plenty of weight in the bass and not harsh on the top end. It just sound right to my ears. System is Spectral, MIT, Magico and Basis. All current vintages.