Cartridge for VPI Scoutmaster and Bottlehead gear.

I just purchased a VPI Scoutmaster with JMW 9 standard arm and am needing to get a cartridge. My current phone stage is the Seduction tube amp I built several months ago with the C4s upgrade. My amp will be the SEX amp which I plan on building this or next week. I am going to try two different pairs of speakers; the Soliloquys 5.0's and Paradigms Studio 60's v2. Bottlehead recommends high output cartridges with there preamp. From reading reviews, the Music Maker seems to correlate to my tastes, but it seems like that cart is an iffy with my arm. What are your suggestions? I listen to mostly New Age, Classical, instrumental, and early 60's and 70's music.
I have a Scoutmaster with a Dyna 20X S.V. 1.0mv output it is a match made in heaven!!! VPI has this cartridge it is their special version.
Dynavector is good as unlike another good cart shelter it's smooth across bandwidth.My friend likes his 17D but thinks output at 2.23 is a bit low.Over performer for cheap is Denon DL series.I have wondered about the Zu modded 103's.Sumiko another good choice though.I am using Grado because I got really good deal but unless you can spend $1200 on one I would go elsewhere.If you could go deep Lyra Dorian get's good press at $1500.I'd guess Sumiko BB.
One thing everyone needs to keep in mind is the OP's Seduction phono stage has 40db of gain and is locked at 47k with 50pf capacitive loading.

I would go with a Shure V15 III, IV, or V and the Jico stylus; shoudl run in the $300 range and work fantastic as Grinnell has already pointed out. The low capcitance of the Seduction does something magic to those Shure's...

If you just have to go "new" then a Ortofon 2M Black would be very nice too.
Vinyladdict: Does this mean I should upgrade my phono stage? I was thinking of building the Eros Bottlehead preamp in the future, but might do it sooner than later if necessary.

Reading the forums and reviews elsewhere, there seems to be a consensus of the Dynavector 20 and Sumiko Blackbird as the best for my VPI table. In general, I prefer a more warm sounding setup. Which of the two are warmer?

I want to limit my cartridge budget to around $500 at this time and am willing to buy used, though I am willing to go a little higher if cost is justified in sound.