best cartridge under $500

I purchased a VPI HW19 Mk3 w/ sme 3009 series 2. I would like to stick with a $5-700 price range. I have lot of used records and 180 gram ones, also "rough" records that have some scratches. Is there any particular cart or stylus type would you recommend?
Dear Jhorsh: The Jrtrent advise makes a lot of sense if you go for the MM/MI cartridge alternative.

In your price range and even lower IMHO thre are many MM/MI cartridges that not only " disappear/makes dust " ( on any set up . ) the 103 but that can compete with LOMC cartridges in the 2k price range The MM/MI alternative can give you this very fine high quality performance where for a MC cartridge could even it you need to spend a lot of money not only in the cartridge but in the phono stage and tonearm too.

One of the reasons why the MM/MI alternative is so good is because due to its higher output level needs less gain from the phono stage ( you only need the C30. ) and this less gain means less gain stages where the cartridge signal must pass: in a MM/MI alternative the electronic degradation to the cartridge signal is a lot lower than with any LOMC cartridge.

In the other side the MM/MI alternative give you a better LP tracking performance that means lower tracking distortion than MC cartridges, especially over low compliance MC cartridges like the 103 and many others out there.

Regards and enjoy the music,
09-21-10: Audiofeil
... However, I'm a big moving magnet fan and almost 50% of my cartridges are moving magnet/iron. Cut my teeth on the original Shure V-15 (old fart). They are by leaps and bounds much better values than moving coils. No contest.

For the past month or so I've spent a fair amount of time with these moving magnets:
Audio Technica AT150MLX
Audio Technica AM-30s
Signet TK7SU
My cartridge experience is microscopic compared to yours, but after trying an Ortofon, a Shure, Denon DL-160 and the Audio Technica AT150MLX, the AT eclipses them all by a considerable margin, and has continued to show great balance, clarity, detail, and musical perspective even after a complete signal chain upgrade south of the phono stage--cables, electronics, power cord, and speakers.

I owned the Signet back in 1977 and parted with it foolishly. Recently came across an NOS and jumped at it. They are very difficult to find (NOS stylus almost impossible) but simply one of the finest cartridges I've heard/owned. If you find one buy it or email me.
Wasn't the Signet sourced from Audio Technica as well? (Not implying that they're the same cartridge.)
as of now i have the jd9 connected to my aux on the c30. on the jd9 it connects to low output (not hi output) do i need to remove the small cover plate and mess with the impedance switches and the voltage gain switches?

also it would be great!!!!! if i can get rid of the jd9. so if i go with the c-30 i have to stay with an MM. whats the diffenenc between a MM and a MM/MI

sooo what does the jd9 buy me?

Moving iron and induced magnet designs are usually considered subsets of the moving magnet category as they typically have similar output and are attached to the moving magnet input on your preamp or receiver. The difference is that magnets are fixed in place and a piece of iron moves in the magnetic field to produce the signal rather than moving a tiny magnet.

Only you can decide what the JD9 buys you. Do you like the flexibility of using either moving coil or moving magnet cartridges? Does the JD9 offer a performance enhancement over the C30 that you don't want to give up? Yes, you might have to adjust the JD9 to work best with whatever cartridge you use with it. It's also possible that the C30's phono stage will simply sound better to you.