Good turntable needed, need recomendations.

I am not a vinyl guy but want to become one I have a pair of Vandersteen Sevens coming in and want a source to match. With speaking with my dealer he recommended a Basis turntable. Everything I read states they are good and the vacuum system is the way to go. This puts me into a 20K table though. I am thinking that is just too much money for what I see there.

My problem also is that although the basis tables look nice they all looks like a 3K table, unless you go to the insane models.

So I really think 15K on the top end is my budget I rather be around 10k. But really want something I will like to look at as well.

Part of my issue is being an amateur machinist and a wood worker a piece of cnc plexi glass for thousands of dollars just doesn’t excite me.

Any recommendations, or is the Basis the way to go, thanks in advance for you input.
Ok so I took peoples advice and went to my dealer which is a vinyl guy and this is what he recommended. I agree I KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT ANALOG, that is why I am here to lean and ask advice, no need to be rude and tell me I am ignorant, I already know that. So if the table is no good and the Reah signature is not good where do I go?

I have not heard the table, however I do not have the speakers yet (there is a long wait for them, months)or the phono stage so I really have to go on peoples advice what will match well. This whole system will have so many changes and just want to get it decent from the start. I don't have a ton of time to go play or go to dealers and talk, try out stuff, etc, I work full time and just like to listen to music and all the vinal I here in other systems is so much better than my cd player.

Anyhow I am in north NJ if someone can recommend a good analog guy I would be willing to go there and listen. I am only asking for a decent starting point that I will not go back in a month and go should of got the better table because there is 50% more sound.
Dear Programmergeek: When I don't have know-how on a subject ( any ) then I'm ignorant on that subject, example I don't know any single Chinese word so I'm ignorant on Chinese language.

This is what I mean when I speak about knowledge-ignorance level. I never posted something to insult a person especially when that person ( you ) does not gives any " motivation " for I respond on that way.

Now, if you are in your dealer's hands then be absolutely sure that he really is a vinyl guy with the right knowledge level.

The whole analog subject is not only to choose the right matched analog items. This is only the first part of the " party ", the second part is the right set-up of the analog set that in many ways is more complicate than the first part.

It is obvious that at this time you can't make the analog item set by your self so here your delaer will play a critical role.

Many of the persons in this forum been in analog for several years ( 10-20-30+ years. ) and I'm sure that many of them ( including me ) are still learning on the whole analog subject and how to achieve a next top step on quality performance level.

Digital is a great plug&play source where we almost don't need to worry about almost anything. Unfortunatelly analog is so imperfect that we have to worry even about room temperature.

Welcome a board but you need to know that you need time and patience to learn. If you do then the rewards will come along.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul is right. I got back into vinyl about five years ago, and it has taken me that long to get the full measure of what my modest analog front end can do. But, even though modest, it sounds stunning. Unless you do have ready access to someone very well qualified to set things up for you, you may be in for some very frustrating days (they can run into years). To learn as you go takes much of your time, so know that going in, unless you are satisfied with having to rely on a dealer, or someone else for help whenever you need it.

Important also, is the aspect of satisfaction in knowing that you have accomplished a very fine listening system, through you own hands-on efforts. If that kind of reward appeals to you, I urge you to take the hands-on approach if you are able, along with some knowledgeable folks, such as there are on this forum. Best of luck to you, and keep us informed as to your progress, if you would, I'll be cheering you on.

I aggree Dan, I alwas have but I need a starting point. that I won't outgrow in a year. On the bright side all the vinal I have herd has been stunning compaired to my cd player.
Dear programmergeek: +++++ " and just like to listen to music and all the vinal I here in other systems is so much better than my cd player. " +++++

+++++ " On the bright side all the vinal I have herd has been stunning compaired to my cd player. " ++++

you posted twice on the same subject and this " worry " me about your overall audio system quality performance level.

I don't know if you still have the Cary CDP but even if you have in a good quality performance system the differences between digital and analog are there but IMHO are not so big as I assume you are hearing or heard it.

Digital source is a lot more demanding medium of what is surrounded as an audio items ( audio system. ).

A digital source has a lot lower noise/distortions/colorations/frequency deviations/etc than an analog one.
That higher accuracy level with digital makes that any other " imperfections " through the different links in the audio chain system will comes " alive " where through analog are " hidded " through the it self analog higher imperfections.

IMHO when through digital an audio system gives you " satisfaction " then through the same system the analog alternative gives you " satisfaction " too but its differences are really smallest that we can think and IMHO and especially with DVDA/SACD I think the digital medium outperforms ( overall ) the analog experience ( LPs. ). Yes, there are several very bad CDs recordings but the same is true with LPs.

The advancements in the digital technology IMHO already goes at a level that can compete ( in the right audio system. ) with the analog alternative but this depend not only that your digital source/pklayer be of a latest technology but that your audio system be up to the task.

My today experiences are that if today we are not satisfied with what we are hearing through digital then could be not because the digital medium but we could think why our audio system is not showing what the digital can shows on quality level performance.

IMHO digital today is a lot better that we can think but " we don't know that " because what we heard tell us it is not but maybe and I say only " maybe " we could be wrong and the digital is really better that we thinked.

Anyway, I think that for what you posted about maybe it's time to make a system " check-up ", only my thoughts.

Regards and enjoy the music,