Silly turntable question

(The question, not the TT!)

I'm assembling a turntable setup, slowly over time.
At this point I have an SP-10 with the factory
obsidian plinth/cover. I have a new SME-V for it
that I bought about 6 years ago (I did say slowly). It's
not even set up yet, let alone having been listened to.

Now, I've gotten the idea in my head that I want a 12-inch
arm instead, the SME-312. THAT would mean selling the
obsidian plinth and buying something custom, as well as
buying the new arm.

I'm willing to admit that I must surely have some mental
quirk to want this change, untested.

Even so, I humbly ask you, what could I expect soundwise
if I followed through with this proposed upgrade ?
Subtle improvements ? How subtle ?
Or, should I just be happy with what I have ?

Speakers are DIY custom built, amps are Brystons,
listening room is way too small.

"Do you think I'll be happy ?" What a question.
But Whart, Elizabeth merely stated the truth. The OP has in fact been contemplating without implementing for years.

I have a new SME-V for it that I bought about 6 years ago...
It's not even set up yet, let alone having been listened to...
Now, I've gotten the idea in my head that I want a 12-inch arm instead...
J. R. R. Tolkien wrote a little essay, 'Leaf by Niggle', in which he jauntily thrashed himself for endlessly rewriting favorite tales without ever finishing one. It was his publisher who forced him to complete 'The Lord of the Rings' (more or less). Absent that pressure he never would have. He'd have niggled happily for even more decades amidst his unfinished tales, leaving only fragments that his son eventually assembled into a functioning narrative.

The OP has been niggling happily for at least six years and is niggling still. Perhaps, after more decades have passed, he'll leave behind fragments that his heirs will eventually assemble into a functioning vinyl rig. ;-)
Peter, the OP is thinking of moving from 9" SME V to 12" SME 312. That's quite different from the move you made and less likely to be a clear step upward. Regardless of length, the 3xx series is not in the same league as the IV/V series.
Seems silly to me to have something and not even try it before you get something else. It will at least give you more perspective on the differences between the two. I suppose if your SME V in still in the box and has never been used it may be worth more when you sell it.
My apologies to Elizabeth. My reading skills are obviously going south.
Mea culpa.(Although I admit to having projects, like getting my old Quads
restored, that have just languished). And Doug, thank you for the kind
Dear Noslepemus: IMHO you can't help you with this kind of thread when you did not even set up yet the SP10!!!!. Why to worry about the tonearm right now?

I agree with Aigenga: " make the TT/tonearm/cartridge set up " and listening to it. Then fine tune what is that set up and listen.

After that you could think on some chages down there: from TT plinth, cartridge, tonearm, phono stage and the like.

Btw, IMHO the best plinth in any SP10 is NO PLINTH at all. You could make an Agon research about and when you will be ready to take a plinth decision then you can take that " road " or whatever you want, just an opinion.

Regards and enjoy the music,