SP10 MK3 recommendation

So I'm in the process of upgrading my analog set up. I just bought Albert's SP10 MK3 and I'm trying to decide on arm/cart combo. I'm freaking out a little because I don't want to make an expensive mistake.

My current arm from my last set up is a 10.5" Reed 2P. I might stay with this arm to start with, but I see a lot of 12" arms on the Technics tts so I'm not sure about the length. I'm also trying to decide on which cartridge. I'm leaning towards the Lyra Atlas or Airt Tight Supreme.

My current system is VAC Sig. IIa preamp and VAC Phi 300.1a amp. Speakers are Margules Grand Orpheus with Acuton (ceramic) drivers. SR ICs and Pranawire speaker cables.

So I'm looking for feedback about Reed arms with the SP10 tables and especially 10.5" arms.

Also looking for thoughts on synergy of Reed arms and the two cartridges mentioned above and in the context of the rest of my system.

Here's to a great (sounding) 2013 to all!
As someone who has heard Albert's turntables, It's hard to beat the SME Airtight or SME Lyra combo's. They are both pretty special.

I have head the Reed 12 (pretty sure it was a 3q...maybe a 2a) with a Lyra Olympos at a friends a few times (on a dobbins tt). That is also a great sounding system.

I think this depends where you want to nudge your system if you want a little more speed, the best resolution, the best dynamics, it's the lyra. If you want a little more warmth...the Air Tight. Now these are small differences...not night and day...but that's what I hear when I've heard the two...

I bought a Atlas...
The 12" Triplanar would not be a mistake either! I just heard one on an SP-10 MK3 and it was remarkable!
I would like to read about a comparison between the 12" Triplanar, 12" Graham Elite, and the 12" SME V-12. Interesting that the Triplanar and Graham have SME mounts. There seems to be quite a newfound interest in these longer arms. From my experience, I can report that the V-12 is a significant improvement over the standard 9" SME V which I compared on the same table with the same cartridge and wiring. I can also recommend the AirTight Supreme/V-12 combination. It is very good. The Supreme was developed on an SME arm, though I don't know if it was 9" or 12". The 12.5g weight is ideal for the arm, allowing the fully loaded counterweight to move very close to the pivot point, lessoning the moment of inertia.

I have also read that the Durand Telos is a contender, though I have not heard it. And I have only heard the Reed in show conditions, so can't really comment on that one.

Albert Porter has been testing a few arms on his table. You may want to contact him for some more thoughts. Congratulations on getting his old MK3. I'm sure you will have a very happy musical year ahead.