SPU Gold Reference vs Silver Meister vs Synergy?

Anybody listened to those Ortofon SPU cartridges?
How are they different?
Here are the current SPU G lineups, in the order of their price.
95th > Royal GM MKii > Synergy GM > Silver Meister GM MKii > Classic GM E MKii > Classic GM MKii.

Ortofon does not produce any Gold SPU cartridges. Where would SPU Gold reference belong in its price?
Thanks for all comments.

Does Gold mean SPU Gold or SPU Gold Reference?
Someone suggested that Gold sounds better than Gold Reference.
My experience of SPU is SPU Mono, SPU GM e MKii, and SPU Gold Reference.
SPU Mono (MM, high voltage) sounds better than Denon DL102 mono.
GM e MKii sounds worse than other Ortofon MC cartrdiges I've owned, including MC20, SL15e, and SL20q.
Gold Reference dows not sound better than SL20q to my ear with my systems.
SL20q is with Clearaudio Bluemotion and Ortofon MCA76 phono MC amp. Gold reference is with Garrard 301/Ortofon RMG309 and Budgie Cinemag SUT.
I would look for better SUT for the SPU cartridges....It may be more $$$ but you will gain a lot....you may start with Patridge 7834 or Ortofon SPU T 1....
I am using a Bob's Device SUT with my SPU Gold. The SUT does give a significant improvement.

I would like to try the Auditorium Hommage T1 SUT but it's too expensive....... :-(
"I would look for better SUT for the SPU cartridges....It may be more $$$ but you will gain a lot....you may start with Patridge 7834 or Ortofon SPU T 1...."

Did you mean Auditorium 23 T1 SUT?