Broken AudioQuest Caldera speaker cable ends...

My dog decided to try to play my stereo this morning, and lay down on my AudioQuest Caldera center channel cable, pulling my Martin Logan Theater off it's shelf (it fell five feet and wedged between the broken sheetrock and my tv stand, with damage to two corners of the ML) and snapped the Silver tips off the amplifier end. Does anyone know if I can send this back to AudioQuest for factory replacement (the heat shrink will need to be re-done also) or should I try DIY? It's an $800 cable, and I don't want to make it a $100 cable by not terminating it correctly. I'd rather have spade connectors than the factory banana tips (the spades might have survived the pressure); will I lose signal using spades instead? Any thoughts or direction would be helpful. Thank you. Carl
AQ will definitely reterminate them -- but they may make you go thry a dealer, check with them directly first.

You should be able to get all repairs (including the ML) covered by your homeowner's insurance (less your deductible.)
Send it to the factory they will terminate it any way you want. Send the dog to the doghouse.
Spades will be just fine. Get an AQ spade wrench and tighten firmly but not overly so and you will get just as good a connection if not better
Dang, what a bummer accident! :-(

I once had a basically brand new AQ Emerald Tonearm Cable go bad, with lots of hum. Sent it back to AQ, as they instructed me to send it directly to them, and they fixed it, and sent it back quickly. Worked fine ever since. Hope you get it all squared away. I'd be sick over the speaker-amplifier damage. The cable souldn't be to difficult for AQ to fix with the terminations of your choice. Mark