Speaker cable made in USA?

I'm looking for recommendations for speaker cable made in the U.S. under $300. The only one I know of is Signal Cables. Any others? I will be using the cables with Nola Boxer's.
Kimber's raw material comes from China, but is fabricated/manufactured and assembled in the USA.
Schipo: Many cables of the high-end variety are remarkably complex and require extreme expertise and tooling to manufacture.
Okay, so after researching and contacting the many brands mentioned here, I've narrowed it down to four choices. Anti-cables, JPS Labs Ultraconductor 2, Analysis Plus Black oval 12, and Clearview Double Helix Speaker Cables. I'm leaning towards the JPS Labs Ultraconductor 2 due to the fact that there are many favorable reviews. Any thoughts? I'll be purchasing one of these by the end of the day.

I really appreciate everyone's help.
