Stevie Ray Vaughn!! REM, Guns and Roses, Bon-Jovi, White Snake, Biestie Boys!!, Edie Brickhell,RATT, Skid Row, Motley Crue. Hair Metal.
Really, i went to a college that has a great college radio station that played tons of traditional blues and started hanging out at clubs, so i got really into that and learned allot.
I went more into a "60's retro phase" and stared listing to allot of Neil Young, Hendrix, Janis, Greatfull Dead etc.
Really, i went to a college that has a great college radio station that played tons of traditional blues and started hanging out at clubs, so i got really into that and learned allot.
I went more into a "60's retro phase" and stared listing to allot of Neil Young, Hendrix, Janis, Greatfull Dead etc.