Hidden GEMS

I am in search of small audio manufacturers out there that put out high quality equipment at extraordinary value. Companies that don't spend any money on advertising/hype but that are there to promote their to sell their well made products at a fair value. I don not mean ML,Krell, Plinius, AR, Sonic Frontier, etc...all good products but absolutely REDICULOUSLY priced!!!
Iagree with justlisten Levinson Krell and the other started out very small they have put in their time and they get what they deserve. They make the best gear out there. There is also other great gear. In this market you get what you pay fro. You can buy an amp for half of the new retail of say a krell amp but who is to say that company will be around next week? Buying from these well known well respected high end companys gives you a sense of reassurance that if you amp goes down it will be fixed and done properly. Classe makes great sounding gear and their prices arent very high. Also why not look on the used market? It is a great way to get into highend for half the new retail. Good Luck
I think that Vandersteen Audio puts out a superior product for the money. I have owned 2CE's and 3A's in the past. I am sure that many of us have owned Vandersteens at some point. While better speakers certainly exist, I do not think that many offer as much in the price points that Vandersteen speakers cover. I also agree with Lev355 about Classe equipment.
Try Llanno amps at http://www.llanodesign.com/
There are not many for sale on the net...hmmm I wonder why? ;)
Stan Warren, Dan Wright, Stephen Sank. Give these guy's the right piece of gear and let them do their thing. Often costs a ton less than the gear it will successfully compete with.

I just got my Moscode 300 back from Steve after his max blowout rebuild. I'll put it up against anything anyone wants to bring on - in or out of it's class, Levinson, Krell, Classe, Boulder - I don't care - bring it on! It is that amazing. And I know I'm not saying that because I have so much invested in it - the total cost to purchase, rebuild, and ship it around was less than 2k.

Dunno what Stan Warren does to CD gear, but after hearing some of his work, I do know I don't need to spend alot to hear alot. Aiwa competing with Accuphase? Stan can do it.

I haven't heard anything by Dan Wright, but I don't see anything but praise for his work, either. So my bid for "hidden gems" would be these and similar superb craftsmen and the gear they produce.
