Preamp for Classe CA400 and Confidence 5

I'm Looking for suggestions for a preamp to match my Classe CA400 and Dynaudio Confidence 5. I like a good, focus sound stage with emphasis on vocal. My budget is $2500 new or used. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, What is the pros and cons on mixing tube and Solid state? Thanks in advance. Danny.
I would recomend without hesitation a CJ Premier 17 or possibly the new 14LS, it isn't out yet so it needs to be heard first obviously. For $2500 you might look for a used Premier 14 which has been discontinued - it is a classic CJ preamp. The 17 runs around $4500, it might be out of your price range - I'm using one with a CA 200 and it's great synergy. I've used a tube pre with SS amps for years and I think you get the best of both worlds - liquid midrange, smooth highs, with slam and detail. You also get a degree of warmth that is nonfatiguing, you can control that level of warmth to a degree with cabling. It's addictive!
I agree with Pops, get a tube pre with your Classe, I have Classe amps with an Audio Research preamp, no looking back for me. I haven't had the opportunity to hear CJ pre's, but I have owned a couple of different Audio Research pre's and I love 'em. The AR pre's are available here and on other used sites and are a bargain, certainly MUCH less than your $2500 budget. If you need a phono stage (I'm hoping you still indulge in analog) then look for an Audio Research in the SP series, otherwise the LS series will do the trick. Jeff
I own the Confidence 5's myself.Great speakers.I tried a few pre's.One that really stands above the rest in my humble opinion is the Krell KRC HR.I've seen them for around $2,500 and up used,without the phono stage.Tubes are great,but if you want the full package go with the Krell.Bottom end is without comparison.Open soundstage,liquid mids etc....If you have to with tubes in the system,I recommend a Audio Research LS 5 or a Melos 333 reference.Both can be found used really cheap.Good luck.