Help me find a smooth solid-state amp?

I'm currently in the market for a *smooth* solid state amp (~100-150wpc into 8ohms) to mellow out an exceedingly bright system. I currently have an Adcom GFA-5400 with Adcom preamp and Soliloquy 5.0 monitors. Front end is a Pioneer DVD/CD player. Any suggestions as to what brands I should check out? Names off the top of my head include: Aragon, Classe, Bryston, and McCormack. I'm not too sure of the actual models I should try out. I'm also not averse to buying used items. Thanks. dd
Hi Djjp; of the amps you mentioned, either a Classe 100 or 150, or DNA.5 are neutral to mellow SS amps, but if your system really is exceedingly bright, I doubt that your Adcom 5400 is the whole problem. Did your system get brighter when you added the Pioneer DVD/CD player? Of course proper speaker placement is essential, and room acoustics certainly can cause an overly bright condition. My advice is to consider the basics (including ICs and spkr cables) before changing amps. Unless you really want to upgrade your amp. Happy Hunting. Craig.
Try a pair of Herron M150's. Very smooth and a match to the Herron tube front end equipment.
Of the brands you mentioned, I would be interested in the McCormack. In my audition experience Classe and Bryston have bright sound. Aragon 8008BB is a good amp, but also slightly bright in the upper midrange. The McCormack DNA 1 or .5 were slightly warm. If you are willing to spend a little more, I would suggest a Pass Aleph 2 (monoblock) or Aleph 4. These are 100 watts of single ended Class A power and best any of the other brands mentioned by a wide margin, IMHO. They are a little laid back in the upper mids, smooth, but very extended at both frequency extremes. There aren't many better solid state amps than this. Read the reviews of the Aleph 4 and Aleph 2 at Used prices should be in the low $3000's and their are always plenty for sale (particularly Aleph 2's).
Do yourself a favor and audition the Belles 150A Hotrod. It's very musical and not at all bright. If you have access to Decembers Stereophile read what Sam Tellig had to say, it's a very accurate review.
i'll second lphunter2's choice. and ,if you can find one, get a hold of a warner imaging-powerful,deep bass, accurate yet sweet highs.