looking for an amp ???

I am looking for an amp but am a little tossed up between solid state or tube amps?? I'm thinking a BAT VK60se but am worried about losing the dynamic autority of a solid but would like the richer more 'real' sound of a tube. If it helps I have avalon eclipse speakers and primarily listen to CD's but am starting to get into vinyl. thanks a lot for any help or opinions all are welcome.
If you go with tubes now you can save the added expense of switching to them later. I tried SS in my recent system and have had tube systems in the past. I like the convenience and the sound of my Musical Fidelity amp but long for the 3D and musicality of tubes. I have never found SS bass to be any more "realistic" than the bass from a decent push/pull tube amp, just stronger and different. I should have gone with tubes in the first place and am now in the process of switching and losing money on the old gear.
Tireguy, the Bat is a fine amplifier but please do not take our word for it. You mention the "real" sound of tubes; let you ears decide what is real. Everyones ears are different. Listen to both type of amps and then make your decision. Do not get caught up in the tubes vs solid state arguments or the "tubes is the best way to go" or "solid state is the best way to go" opinions that some of us have posted. Opinions are good. I enjoy reading a post by someone who feels their amp, preamp or what have you, is the best there possibly is. It shows they are passionate about the music and their choice in audio equipment. But you need to make your own choice. Enter into your search for an amp with an open mind, do blind auditions, then make up your mind. Remember, 99% of the fun is in the journey. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your new amp whatever is may turn out to be.
If you like warm, lush sound, try the BAT VK200 (100 wpc), but it should be run balanced to get the best out of it (you need single-ended adaptors to run single-ended). It also has amazing bass slam.