Sim W-3, W5 vs Classe 201

Which one is better to drive B&W 804 Nautilus? And why?
Anyone compare the two? Thanks
I recently purchased a Bryston 4B-ST. They jury is still out. It has been barely broken in and there seems to be a slight edge to the upper mid range. My first impression is that a slightly warmer amp such as Classe may sound more engaging with the Nautilus 804. Also check your hotmail email.
Ok I would not mix the sim with b&k. B&K is cold and dark sounding(no offense). I used to own a b&k ex 4420 and a pro10 mc preamp also b&k. The rotel has a warm touch to it so thats why you may not hear that coldness from the b&k. Krell also seems to be a good match with b&ws I also used a krell ksa150 on my 802s but krell also can be bright and analytical sounding. Thats why I sold it. If your mind is made up and you only want sim or classe then classe is the sure winner. If you want to step up higher try the mark levinson gear. Iam not sure what your budget is but I can help you put a wonderful system together if you like let me know how much you want to spend.If your budget is tight and you only use cds then get a great power amp and a great cd player that you can run directly with no preamp.( must have an anologe volume control) such as Levinson 39 which is a preamp and a cd player. Theta miles ,Metronome cd2v or the wadia gear but it has a digital volume control but it has adjustable gain stages. I hope I havent screwed you up? Let me know if I can help. Regards Daniel
Thanks a lot now you really screwed me up and have me thinking. No, I really like the Levinson amp 334 or 335 but it might be out of my budget range for now. I have heard the Sim and really like the bass slam it is so tight and deep but you are right the high kind of roll off and just a tiny bit harsh on the side. I have not heard CA-201 but heard the CA-151 Classe is more natural and sweet on the midrange and high but the bass is not that good so you know what I mean I am really confused and don't know what to do? Thanks again.
I drive my B&W Nautilus 803 with a W5. It sounds very good to me, fast, great bass and very neutral. I run it through a Blue Circle valve preamp and use amperex tubes which smooths out the high end, to my taste anyway. Which happens to cover a wide range of the musical spectum

Perhaps the reason that Simaudio loses value quickly is that it is overpriced in the US. In Canada a W5 can be had for $3k (US).

I think that it is a good match and it is worth considering