DLP vs Plasma/LCD

I was just about ready to plunk down $4k for a Panasonic 42" plasma. I was at my brother's tonight watching the Olympics on his 42" Pioneer plasma (HD transmission,) when he tells me that I should go with a DLP for my bedroom, rather than the plasma. He claims the picture is much better and they cost less. I wasn't even considering a DLP because I didn't think it would fit in my bedroom. (being to deep) He says they make some, now, that are only a few inches deeper/wider than a plasma. Any takers? Is the DLP the way to go? If so, can anyone recommend one with killer picture quality, and relatively thin? thanks in advance. warren
The current generation of HD2, HD3, and HD2+ DLP chips are all 720p native resolution. The xHD3 is 1080p native resolution. The xHD3 includes all of the performance enhancements that went into the prior three generations. I would expect good contrast ratio, little to no rainbow effect, etc.

But, the proof is in the pudding. Few people have had the chance to see the 90 series, mostly at trade shows. We'll know in a couple months. The 6190 is rumoured to be "in production" now. I can't believe that other mfg's are too far behind samsung with rolling out xHD3 products, but I haven't heard anything juicy yet.

Center channels: Another advantage of "table top" digital sets over CRT RPTV is that even large center channels can be accomadated in the cabinet beneath them. Maybe not the matching cabinet from the mfg, but certainly in your own custom rack. The Dunlavy HRCC being the epitome of "placement concerns". Many CRT sets didn't have a flat top, and they certainly weren't going to hold up the likes of the Dunlavy center. To make it worse, the lower cabinet sections of CRT RPTV's are generally smaller than the HRCC, which would require elevating the set.
A good discussion of Samsung's plans for DLPs (new xHD3 chip) on a site called TWICE.COM
I'd just like to throw in my two cents. I'm choosing to go with the LCD technology (in about a year from now).

Here are a few reasons why:

1. LCD is a very proven technology that has been perfected
2. DLP has way too many moving parts (millions of little mirrors and colorwheel) = lots of potential problems
3. Plasma is too expensive and they haven't figured out how to stop the actual gas from leaking

If your TV is dead and you have to buy now , its tough.
In one year I believe the decisions will be clearer. I like the direction Samsung is going though, because they are focusing on what should matter most, The Quality of the Picture !
LCD (flat panel)is less expensive than plasma? Are there any 42" LCDs out there? If so; how much?