Which high-end receiver?

Good news, bad news. We're moving into a much bigger house, but the built in area around the entertainment center is so small that it will not hold my power conditioner, amp, processor, DVD player and cablebox.

The wife is insisting that I downsize into equipment that will fit, which will mean getting rid of the processor and amp (at least).

I'm thinking that I'm going to be disappointed with a receiver, but I'm willing to consider the higher end units. Any useful pointers/comparisons between the Denon 5805, the Lexicon RV-8, the Sunfire Ultimate, etc.?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I'm into an Equitech conditioner, ATI (7x200) amp and Arcam processor right now.

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I second the McIntosh MHT-200. It knocked me out when I heard it with the new B&W N802 speakers. I didn't think a receiver could sound that dynamic and powerful. Arthur
Add B&K to your list. The processor and built-in amps are the same as their separates all in one package. Made in the USA too!!!
I vouch for the Sony STR DA-777ES a great receiver which Sony doesn't make anymore, but if you can find a used one you wont regret. Very Good preowned ones are selling for less than $700.
Good Luck!
I don't like the Rotel sound as well as I did several years ago, IMO they have gone slightly downhill. I heard good sounds from a B&K reviever last year so I would include this on the list.

If you have the $$$ I would put the McIntosh at the very top of the list. I heard a McIntosh integrated amp last year and I was VERY impressed. IMO the Mcintosh is In another league completely from the others mentioned in this thread.

Let your ears be the guide and see if you can arrange for an in-home test of your favorites.
If I'm not mistaken, the Macintosh is an analog multich channel preamp, right? If so, you can forget dynamics for movies. You're then relying on the processing in your dvd player and other sources, and your not getting the gain you need for proper dynamics and such..my experiences anyway...and that's a lot.
I could be wrong on the Macintosh, but I don't think so.
What speakers are you using anway? Makes a differnce.
Yes, receivers ARE NOT as good sounding as good separates, and usually not as strong overall, depending. In short, you'll have some compromises often.
Still, what has been recommended above, and what you're considering are, yes, the better receivers. Older 5.1's that sounded pretty good are Arcam's, Sony 777es, Nak AV10, Marantz SR14/18/etc, Denon 4802/5803/yada yada, Yamaha RXV1/DSPA1 and such.
Still, I find no "super receiver" that's going to replace good separates anytime soon. But you can do bass mananagement on these to help your power and dynamics, and at least get descent sound with the right piece, yes.
Might consdier the sunfire piece...heard it once and it did sound promising overall.