I have one input in my 50" DLP but have 2 devices that utilize HDMi and the other unit uses DVI. what would be my option, obviously a HUB type approach would not work, but perhaps and auto switcher ? .. anything out there that is not too expensive ?

I did some research a while back--Gefen makes a switch. It operates via IR remote, but does not autosense. It is also isn't cheap.


It's not even pretty. And the IR is kind of flakey. And the remote totally sucks. But, seemed like the only game in town.

If anyone finds anything else, I'd *love* to hear about it.
Sometimes the diffrence between DVI and Componet video is so small you cant even notice it, so try using comp video for one of the sources, chances are you wont see a diffrence, and if you do, it will be too slight to care.
I have one of these hubs. In my opinion is is not the way to go. It is too expensive for what you get. And what you get is a significant loss in bandwith and a crappy picture. The loss in picture quality is almost -but not quite, eauivalent to comparing a standard 480p picture to high definition 720p.

I am seriously thinking of getting rid of it ans switching the plugs manually!!!