Isolation Platform for CD Transport??

Any ideas???
Best for the money (expensive though) is vibraplane. See
You'll find lots of discourse by searching for shelves, isolation, etc. I continue to be VERY happy with my Neuance iso/absorp platform shelf under my CDP. Clearly a tighter, more coherent sound than air suspension or cones-alone.
Good Luck. Ernie
PS You may wish to address Redkiwi or Caterham directly re experiences and theory of operation.
I will second the Neuance shelving, which I support with upturned spikes (built into my rack). Very even handed without the annoying dips and peaks that I always seemed to get with my previous isolation methods. The music also has a better pace to it now. It is very simple as I just rest my components (with their stock feet) on the Neuance shelves and no longer have to concern myself with gear toppling off of cone points and such.
I have my EMC-1 sitting on Mapleshade tripple points (thanks to Brulee's recomendation)on top of a Zoethecus Z-pods.Sounds very neutral, best platform combo I have used so far. I will probably try the Neuance platform soon as I heard great things about it.