Analysis Plus Oval 9 or DH Labs T-14?

I am looking for a nice speaker cable upgrade at a reasonable price. I have heard great things about the Analysis Plus Oval 9. Any opinions?

Currently I would characterize my system as being on the lean side. When playing Diana Krall I have no complaints. But on very dynamic material, my system can get strained and sometimes tizzy. I would favor a rounder, warmer sound without sacrificing too much detail if possible. I currently have a system comprised of the following:

Sim Audio Moon I-5 integrated amp
Musical Fidelity Electra E60 CD player
Sonus Faber Concertino speakers
NHT SW3P subwoofer
Cardas Golden Cross interconnect [CD to amp]
DH Labs Silver Pulse interconnect [amp to sub]
DH Labs Silversonic T-14 speaker cable

I am in the process of purchasing a Sony SCD-777ES. Hopefully, that will negate the possiblity of my source being the problem. I have also thought of replacing the Sim Audio with Blue Circle BC21 preamp and BC22 amp. But I really like the Moon I-5 and before taking that step I'd like to see if speaker cables can do the trick.

This "problem" was much worse until I switched in the Cardas Golden Cross in place of the DH Labs BL-1 I was initially using. The Golden Cross is affordable as an interconnect but becomes a very expensive upgrade as a speaker cable.

Any ideas?
Thank you both for youe excellent suggestions.

Megasam, The MF E60 was the predecessor to the E624. It retailed for about $500 new. That should give you an idea of what I've got. I was about a hair from buying the Bel Canto DAC 1.1. At the last minute I decided to start with the SCD-777ES. I can get it at a Sony Employee discount price.

I will definitely order a set of Analysis Plus Oval 9s. The Bel Canto is something I may add later to the digital outs of the 777ESs CD stage.

Thanks for the advice.
What a joke this voting system is! I give Gunbei good thoughtful advice that can truly be a help and get two negative votes!
Hey, I just voted for the first time, in order to even up the score. I was simple to do (almost mindless) and much easier than composing a face to face (screen to screen) opinion in words. Now I truly feel that I can see where "some" of these votes are coming from. It's a little too voyeuristic for these Midwestern bones though, so I will just leave it up to the Super Freaks and won't spend much time there myself.
When I rate a post and put "great & great" it shows I've given people a "two". Is that right? I didn't mean to give anybody the wrong impression. Sorry.
For Megasam's first post I give the highest marks and it show two sixes. For Fonsy66 I do the same and it shows two zeros. Sometimes it shows two twos. Audiogon needs to fix this thing.