AA Capitole Mk II - what the evaluaions brought?

Do you have any comments on the sound of a new AA Capitole?
I suppose some units are already well broken-in(?).
I agree with "Artistic Audio": the Capitole is one excellent player. The WADIA 270/27ix is a different story, though! of course the price for the WADIAs is accordingly high, so it is a matter of budget in the end if you go for a one box unit or for seperates such as the 270/27ix.
Artistic Audio, just to confirm what you said, you find that adding a quality pre-amp may "add" to the sound quality of the MKII. This would be good news, as I heard that some folks had issues when adding a pre inline due to voltage overlay. I guess finding a sweetspot with a pre-amp is key.

One thing I have not heard much on is its capability as an active DAC with its inputs. Inserting a 96khz DVD player and playing 96/24 DVD music ??? .. I would love to hear impressions !!

all the best...Matt
Question for Artistic Audio-How would you describe "another level of performance"? I'm curious, I tried some pretty good linestages and always felt the sound was better running direct. This is of course with the MKI version, I've yet to receive the MKII yet. I hope to before the Bush administration expires :-) My experience after quite extensive A/B'ing was that adding an active linestage did indeed add something, a sense of "Hi-Fi" sound, albeit phenomenal Hi-Fi, that was pleasantly lacking when running direct, which to my ears was MUCH more natural and musical sounding with a sense of instrumental palpability and 3-dimensionality wholly lacking with a linestage. I've not tried a passive linestage. Anyway, my personal experience is contrary to yours, ergo my inquiry. I'm hoping you don't say it's because the Wyetech is a better linestage than all others :-) Oh, and Aida, sonics, not budget was the deciding factor in not purchasing Wadia. But nice try.
Mes- I have the Cap MK I, and tried a high-quality passive with it. At first, I liked the improvement in clarity, however realized after a while that I preferred direct to amp (no restriction in dynamics, seemed more 'natural').

Oh- almost forgot- took it to a friend's place, and used the Cap's digital in (dac only), with his tranport (an older Esoteric P2 by Teac). Much better timing, less smearing, tighter bass, etc.- it wasn't even close on the bass aspect... I was impressed!

My conclusion (this is obviously for the MK I) is that the transport can be improved for better performance. Re: the preamp thing, I don't doubt that a top quality pre will add something, but at what cost $$. One of the reasons I got this thing was to be able to have the most analog-sounding CDP that will drive an amp direct.

I would be curious to hear from others on the transport issue in the MK I. Has anyone else tried the test that I did? (using another transport to the digital in).
first I would like to say that great active linestages are rare. I have found the Wyetech Jade, $3800 and Opal, $7500 to be clearly the best there is for 2 channel active preamps. if you search hard enough one can find other top notch preamps as well. I would describe the sound improves in the areas of weight and body when adding a great preamp to the chain. I feel the preamp fills in all the tiny gaps in the music which in turn gives you a more complete sound. thats not to say that running the Capitole direct is not musical, just that I have heard better with the proper preamp in the system. I have not yet tried running the Dac in the Capitole MK2 with an outboard Transport, but I would say that again a great transport like the Accustic Arts drive 1, $3500 would be better. at this point it would be better to purchase the Audio Aero Dac instead of the player.