Best MC for a Linn/Syrinx

I have just bought an early model Sondek - Valhalla/pre Cirkus sporting a 'good' syrinx.
This is to supplement my Xerxes not replace it.
I do not want to get into the Linn upgrade routine - this was bought as a classic & it will stay that way.
If I wanted to spend lots I would buy an Oracle Delphi !
Should I just transfer my DNM Acoire and stick a Koetsu on the Xerxes or can someone recommend a cracking combination
Memory suggests a Dynavector of some type?
If you want to keep it classic, NOS Supexes still surface now and then, as well as FRs. And I've seen a couple of Grace F9E Rubys for sale on this website. I have a lot of experience putting together old classics, and they do like to stay together, as they were designed at a time when men with talent and instinct used their ears to produce gear. The whole tends to be greater than the sum of the parts. Are we really making progress? There's more to music than just information, and you have your Roksan. Besides, it's fun! And of course, there's always the evergreen Denon DL103.
Oh, and of course, you're right, the Dynavectors, the Diamond (17D) and Ruby (23RS).
Thanks Johnnantais,
I intend to keep the turntable & arm - both Scottish !
Scottish cartridges a bit thin on the ground - none unless I build my own - as you say theres more than info.
Will try my acoire I think - I used to use a DL1O3 on my original Dunlop Systemdek over 20 years ago - still a hard combination to beat and another Scottish deck !
Your Roksan is one of the few truly musical high-end decks out there, it'll be interesting to see what you make of your classic Linn combo. I'll check this thread if you do report on it. Meanwhile, I'll be setting up my own Scottish deck, an Ariston, tonight! I recently tracked down a Black Widow tonearm, and I've been saving a Grado 8MX for this day. I listen to more records and have more fun when I'm not overloaded with information, and when the timing's right. Otherwise, there's always my high-end decks.
Hi Johnnantais,
The Linn/Syrinx is about to be fitted with --- a Grado Platinum Reference - makes for convenience as this can be plugged into the mm stage on my amp & the xerxes can be fed thru the seperate phono stage.
the Linn does not come close to the Xerxes
I just fitted a zyx mc to the xerxes & the motor died.
I am wondering about fitting an Origin live DC motor kit - the toplate on my xerxes is 'sagging' so I am attempting to have a new one manufactured from acrylic sheet & will either remove or add mass to keep it the same weight as the original mdf toplate - hopefully meaning the suspension will still work as intended.
Since the new plate can be made to suit, I intend to mount it to the base and open out the hole for the pulley - origins instructions to screw to the toplate make no sense as this is in direct oposition to the original design IMO !
I will let you know how things progress.

I may try my acoire on the Syrinx but adding the mass ring means the lid will foul the arm - I may just sell the Linn & but a Lenco !
Rgds Simon