Advise for CD player upgrade? Arcam? Rega? MF?

I'm going to be upgrading my old Yamaha Cd player, and hope
the sages of A-gon can offer up some thoughts. My current
system is rounded out with a Plinius 8200MKII integrated, Totem Forests, and an NAD phono. My budget is in the $1500
-$ 2000 ballpark. I'm considering new and used. Some of the units that have caught my attention are: M Fidelity 3.2cd, Naim CD5, Arcam CD23, Rega Jupiter, and Classe' CDP10. I listen to a very wide range in music. Suggestions? Thanks!
My choice/suggestion for you. Niam CD5, then Rega Jupiter 2000. Others just forget them.
Used sony xa777es (1,500) sacd player, outboard dac of your choice for redbook ($500) if you don't like the sony's redbook sound. I have this player and IMHO, is very good redbook player on it's own.
Although the Audio Aero Prima lists for $2300, I think (Tony will give you a killer price) you can get it, brand spanking new, in your $$ ballpark. Nothing you mentioned can go one round with this baby. I have spoken adnauseam about this player. It's, absolutely, unbelievable. The only cdps that can go tete a tete with it are ones costing twice the price. It's 90% of the Prima's big brother, the Capitale MKII. That's a $8000 player!! The little tubes in this baby, make it one sweet sounding cdp. I love mine. You can email me for Tony's number. I bought mine from him. He's patient, honest and will give you the best price out there. peace, warren
Between 1,500 and 2,000 --

You can get a used Sony SCD XA777ES.

Or a used Sony SCD 777ES.

The XA is a CD/multi-channel SACD player

The other is two channel only.

You get a great CD/SACD player -- and -- when you
get more money, you can have these players modded
to play even better. Some people have said that a
fully modified high end Sony SACD player is the next
best thing to the Meitner/Emm Labs DAC6. I can't
attest to that, but I would like the idea of having a CD/SACD player that is already considered a reference player that can also be modified -- as you get more money -- to play even better. If you don't have the 15-20K to spend on the Meitner, having the next best thing or something close ain't the worst thing that could happen to you.