Transport Recommendations Please.

I have a headphone system. The digital front end consists of a Rega Planet (used as a transport) going into a Grace 901 headphone dac/amplifier and then into Sennheiser HD600 cans via Cardas Cabling. The sound is good (for digital) but I was wondering if purchasing a transport would improve the digital signal. My budget would be around $800 for a transport. Basically I have two questions: 1) is it worth it? and 2) if so, what should I get? Thanks in advance..

Your dac is as important as the transport. I’m not familiar with your dac and have no idea where it rates on a relative scale, however I did read about it within your system.
With that said a real steal on a used transport would be the Parasound C/BD-2000 belt driven compact disc transport (one went on the site last night) {I’m not associated with the owner}. That transport will outperform other transports costing three to four times the new cost. And will sound WONDERFUL!
I would recommend a Muse Model Five transport. And it just so happens that I have an extra one for sale (I've upgraded to a Model Eight). It has a silver faceplate and I'm asking $650 for it. It is 9/10, no blems and works perfectly. Contact me if you are interested.
Rich - talk to Steve over at Empirical Audio. He is reported to be doing wonders with modding Sony DVP-S7700 units and I think that a used unit bought here and adding in his mods should be somewhere near your budget target.
Digital cables also make a substantial difference. Cardas Lightning 15 has warm bass and mids while retaining detail in the highs. The cable looks like a Cardas Golden Reference.
Also, aftermarket headphone cable makes another significant difference with HD600s. The Cardas will be more open with good extension on both ends. My favorite, the Stefan Audio Arts Equinox gives a more natural (some would say laid-back) sound IMO. (