PC/Conditioner question

I just picked up a new aftermarket PC for my amp, 10 AWG, good reviews, good name, etc. My plan was to then get one for my CDP (same name, 14 AWG), get a power conditioner and then get another PC (different name) for the conditioner. Right order or not I do not know, but this was my plan.

I like the PC that I got for the Amp, gives me much more dynamics, detail and soundstage. However, on some favorite CD's there is now grain in the treble, I am assuming this is just more resolution as a result of the PC (or is it digital nasties?). It does become fatiguing.

But my question is this: Will this edginess, grain,brightness whatever you call it go away via me getting these other items in place in my system? I read a review, Soundstage I think, that said most power cords get grainy due to picking up RF and EMI, yes? I am thinking that this grain will go away once I get a conditioner in place (and other cords), but I am not sure since this is my first gander into PC's. Or is this a PC matching issue and I should start to look at other PC's. Oh, dedicated lines are not an option and cannot do PS300 cost range.

As always, Thanx in advance.

The CD's sounded OK using the stock cords, one is even HDCD. This could just be the stock cord not picking up as much detail though. I have tried the cord on the CDP and the "grain" was still there. Last night one thought came to mind was use this on the conditioner and then go with two different brand PC's that are warmer for the amp and CDP.

it's possible that the enhanced resolution that you are now experiencing is due to the interconnects - you were simply not able to hear the problems until now?
Thank you for your comments. Upon further listening, I have determined, thanx to your comments, that it is NOT the PC but due to poorly recorded material and potentially the IC as well. God, this stuff amazes me, how a simple change can reveal such things. I am almost afraid to see, or I should say "hear", what happens when I add a PC to my CDP.

Hmmm... maybe if I upgrade my IC.....

